[Insight-users] New ITK segmentation software - VC problems

Jarek Sacha galicjan at yahoo . com
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 06:10:05 -0700 (PDT)

--- Joshua Cates <cates@sci.utah.edu> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've checked in several fixes which should take care of these errors on
> VC++.  I'll try to track down a machine running windows so I can do more
> debugging if needed.

There are still number of errors while compiling with VC++. vtkWSTCommon
have those for almost all the source files:
1) Cannot open include file 'hash_map' (is it a standard part of STL?)
2) 'rint' is not a part of the global name space
3) problems with casting arguments for ifstream.read()

Also noticed that Python wrappings project gets generated under VC++
(vtkWSTCommonPython), so there is the same problem as under Linux. It is
interesting that I do have Java, Python and Tcl wrapping enabled in VTK,
but there is no Java bindings generated for SegmentationEditor.

Hope this helps,


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