[Insight-users] itkVTKtoITKtoVTK modification
Mathieu Lamard
Thu, 02 May 2002 10:23:30 +0200
Thanks Pieter,
but I want to use a vtkReader and not a itk image reader and that's
why a try to modify the itkVTKtoITKtoVTK example.
In fact I want to use a vtk for reading images + mouse interaction ...
ant itk for image filtering.
Pieter Vos wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe I can help. I think you are forgetting to set up an input/output
> object:
> //setup in/output
> itk::PNGImageIO::Pointer io;
> io = itk::PNGImageIO::New();
> //Read image
> itk::ImageFileReader<RGBImageType>::Pointer reader;
> reader = itk::ImageFileReader<RGBImageType>::New();
> reader->SetFileName( filename );
> reader->SetImageIO(io);
> Also use the smartpointer in sted of the clean star.
> You can look in the map /Insight/Testing/Code/IO
> for more examples.
> On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Mathieu Lamard wrote:
>>The example itkVTKtoITKtoVTK works fine for me but I want to change
>>vtkImageNoiseSource* source = vtkImageNoiseSource::New();
>> source->SetWholeExtent(0, 255, 0, 255, 0, 0);
>> source->SetMinimum(0);
>> source->SetMaximum(1);
>> vtkPNGReader * m_vtkPNGReader = vtkPNGReader::New();
>> m_vtkPNGReader ->SetFileName( "toto.png" );
>> m_vtkPNGReader ->Update();
>> vtkImageLuminance * m_luminance = vtkImageLuminance::New();
>> m_luminance -> SetInput(m_vtkPNGReader->GetOutput());
>>And then
>> vtkImageExport* vtkExporter = vtkImageExport::New();
>> vtkExporter->SetInput(m_luminance->GetOutput());
>>But here it did not work :-(
>>have anybody an idea ?
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