[Insight-users] RecursiveGaussianImageFilter problems

Bjorn Hanch Sollie bhs@pvv.org
Mon, 6 May 2002 21:23:04 +0200 (CEST)

I downloaded the cvs code yesterday, and I've been trying to use the
RecursiveGaussianImageFilter (a big thanks to everyone who responded
and gave me some advice).  It seemed to work fine at first, but then I
ran into some problems, which I have illustrated in a series of
pictures here:


These are images from a 8 bit raw volume with spacing 1.0 in all three
dimensions.  Using a sigma of 1.5 seems to work fine for ZeroOrder
filtering, but the palette of the FirstOrder images (as well as the
SecondOrder ones, not on display) is distorted.  I fail to see the
reason for this, and since the images aren't very useful as they are,
I'll be very grateful for some further assistance.

The relevant code from my program is as follows:

  // Run a RecursiveGaussianImageFilter filter
  typedef itk::RecursiveGaussianImageFilter<ImageType, ImageType> PotentialFilter;
  PotentialFilter::Pointer recgauss = PotentialFilter::New();

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