[Insight-users] Please help Using Filters?

Mario Medved mario.medved@fe.uni-lj.si
Mon, 20 May 2002 18:08:35 +0200


I am trying to use filters (gaussian, laplace, sobel) but they all hang up
on the filter->Update() function with the error: Debug Assertion Failed,
file dbgheap.h line 1017, or just with good old Acces Violation.

Strangly itkThresholdImageFilter works fine. If I replace
itkThresholdImageFilter with any other filter in the
itkThresholdImageFilterTest project the above error is shown on the
filter->Update() step. Same happens if I use itk2DEdgeDetectionSample.txx
for my source file.

I tried to change image type or dimensions but nothing helps. I think I am
something here:)

Best Regards,