[Insight-users] Re: Registration of time sequence of breast images

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Sat, 25 May 2002 00:26:23 -0400

Hi  Sachin,

Could you give us more details on the type of registration
you are interested on  ?

Do you want to register the 2D image of time (t) with
the 2D image at time (t+1)  ?

If this is the case, you can probably use a metric like
MeanSquares and an Affine tranform.

The following example illustrates how to put them together.


Note that this example is generating ficticious images by using
an auxiliary class "imageSource" in lines 96 and 97.
You will have to replace this by two ImageFileReader<> that
will read your image files.

The mechanisms that you can use for improving performance
depend on the characteristics of your images. In particular what
resolution they have and how noisy they are.  

You could use for example, the MultiResolution  registration
framework in order to do progressive registration.

Do you have any image of this type that you could post on the web ?




Sachin Jambawalikar wrote:

> I want to know which registration algorithm will be useful for me 
> to register a time sequence of; thermal images of breast 
> (2048 slices). My main concern here is to do the registration in 
> minimum amount of time so even an affine model will do (as non 
> linear methods are expensive).
> can any one suggest me what algorithm I should; be using to 
> register the slices; and at the same time it is time efficient