[Insight-users] VisibleWoman Head color data available

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 20:10:14 -0500


A data set of the VisibleWoman is now available
from the ftp server:


This is a color dataset from the cryogenic

This data has been reformated to be easily
read by ITK imageIO readers. In particular
Raw and MetaImage.

The data set is arranged in a file per slice.
With pixel spacing of 1/3 millimeter along
every dimension {x,y,z}.

Files are numbered according to the closest
millimeter position, and the submillimeter
position is indicated with a letter {a,b,c}

for example the slices around position 1123
are named:

name      position(mm)

1123a  -> 1123.0000
1123b  -> 1123.3333
1123c  -> 1123.6667

Internally the slices contain RGB data
arranged in the following format

pixel 1   pixel 2  pixel 3
RGB       RGB      RGB.......

This is different from the format used
in other raw files on the ftp server,
where the slices are formatted like


The slices have size 570 x 670 pixels
and there are 897 of them. The raw files
are gzipped, so you will have to unzip
them after download.

An example MetaImage header is provided
with the name VisibleWomanHead.mhd.
This text header points to the raw files.
Only 50 of the 897 slices are currently
referenced due to reasonable memory limitations.
You can simply modify the header with any text
editor in order to select a different set
of slices.

You can use the Application example:


to visualize this dataset.


Please let us know if you encounter
any problem with the data.

