[Insight-users] Bug in RigidXDTransform

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 11:02:02 -0500

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the bug report.

A question:

When the application aborts, it may be throwing an exception...

Error management in ITK is done using exceptions. That gives
applications an oportunity to recover from condition errors.

Have you tried to put the offending code in a try/catch block ?

something like:

   try {
       // put here the offending code
   catch( itk::ExceptionObject & e )
     std::cerr << " ITK Exception catched " << e << std::endl;
   catch( std::exception & e )
     std::cerr << " STD Exception catched " << e.what() << std::endl;
   catch( ... )
     std::cerr << " Unknown Exception catched " << std::endl;




Mark Hastenteufel wrote:
> A further thing is when using rotation matrices with
> coefficients greater than 1. My application aborts without
> an error message. I know that rotation matrices with 
> coefficients graeter than 1 should not apperas, but if 
> happen there should there should be 
> descriptive error message.