[Insight-users] Borland 6 Build error
Luis Ibanez
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 15:18:35 -0500
Hi John,
Well, I guess this is good news.
A secondary question: Does it run ?
does the result of the factorial = 120 ?
Let's move one step forward to get closer
to what ImageRegion::Slice() is doing.
Could you please try the following code ?
I already tested in Borland 5.5 and gcc
and compiles fine. It runs ok in gcc but
producs incorrect results on borland.
You may want to try it with the two combinations
of defining and undefining the ENUMWORKS symbol.
#include <iostream>
//#undef ENUMWORKS
template<int N>
class ImageRegion {
typedef ImageRegion<N> Self;
static const unsigned int Dimension = N;
static const unsigned int SliceDimension = N-1;
typedef ImageRegion< N-1 > SliceRegion;
enum { Dimension = N };
enum { SliceDimension = N-1 };
typedef ImageRegion< SliceDimension > SliceRegion;
SliceRegion Slice() { return SliceRegion(); }
ImageRegion() { std::cout << "Region " << N << std::endl; }
typedef ImageRegion<5> RegionType;
RegionType region;
RegionType::SliceRegion sliceRegion;
sliceRegion = region.Slice();
return 0;
Please let us know what you find,
John Biddiscombe wrote:
> Luis, Interesting stuff, I'm sorry to say that this...
>>#include <iostream>
>>template<int N>
>>class Factorial {
>> enum { value = N * Factorial<N-1>::value };
>> Factorial()
>> {
>> std::cout << "Factorial of " << N << " = " << value << endl;
>> }
>>class Factorial<1> {
>> enum { value = 1 };
>> Factorial<5> f;
>> return 0;
> Compiled fine. I say "Sorry" becasue if it didn't then we'd be closer to the
> problem. NB. The enum was left in unchanged. It also compiled fine when I
> put the static const unsigned in version in.
> I'll play some more...
> JB
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