[Insight-users] gcc-xml
Neil Killeen
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 14:29:35 +1100 (EST)
There is always one more thing...
I have been trying to build the itk system with the Tcl wrappers as well
as access to vltk. I think I am doing this because it's useful
generically, but more specifically so that I can operate some
of the examples which require a GUI, fltk, vltk for display and I think
SO I have installed Cable, fltk, and vtk ok. However, Cable is failing to
run because it requires yet another package, gcc-xml, sigh.
Specifically, it is failing in build/Wrapping/Tcl/Numerics on the command
/DATA/ELARA_3/nkilleen/Cable/build/cable \
-tcl wrap_ITKNumerics_tcl.cxx --gccxml-compiler g++-3.1.1 \
### snip lots of -I includes
Having read the gcc-xml page I am now to scared to proceed, since anything
that requires building of compilers, such as gcc, is a nightmare.
Now, before I pass the buck, and ask my system person to do this for me,
I'd like to ask you lot, how important this is to have.
If I don't have gcc-xml does that mean I can have no
Tcl wrappers and no fltk GUIS (are they written in Tcl ?)
for itk ?
Also, if i proceed, is gcc-xml known to be buildable with
gcc 3.1.1 ?