[Insight-users] itExpectationMaximizationMixtureModel

ahmad bukhari highway_111@mail.com
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 04:14:14 -0500

 hi luis, jisung and everybody else!! 
i am new to itk(even programming) and  working on 
modelling of soft tissues...hence your explanation on 
the "subject" question was really  a great help, but i 
have a few questions ... 
1-) what is the format of data file that the example 
accepts..does a simple txt with a tabspace between two 
columns do well enough... 
2-)How do i set the different models .... for example if 
it is a typical exponential function for  model one ( Y 
= pow(2,x) )and a log for the model two (Y = log x) 
say...how do i set them up as different constituent 
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