[Insight-users] vtkITK mutual information compilation error

Feng Ma mafeng@hotmail.com
Fri, 06 Sep 2002 13:07:50 -0400

Hi, Bill:

  Thanks a lot for pointing it out. I will try with the latest vtk.

  My remaining questions are listed below. Anybody can help me?

  1. Seems that I got the library compiled. But in libITKBasicFilter.a, only 
one objective file itkVTKImageExportBase.o. Is that normal or I missed 
something. I think this "problem" is not related the vtk version.

  2. ITK build options

    I am not quite sure about the following options:

    BUILD_VTKINTERFACE: we have USE_VTK, how are these two options related?
    SEGMENTER_WRAP_TCL, ITK_WRAP_TCL: Are they overlapped?
    VTKITK_WRAP_TCL: Does it mean to wrap vtkitk related classes into tcl?

   Anyone can explain more details to me?



>From: "Lorensen, William E (Research)" <lorensen@crd.ge.com>
>To: "'Feng Ma'" <mafeng@hotmail.com>,insight-users@public.kitware.com
>Subject: RE: [Insight-users] vtkITK mutual information compilation error
>Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 09:20:39 -0400
>The vtkITK example requires a more recent VTK. It will not compile with VTK 
>4.0 release.
>You will need to checkout a current version of VTK to use this example.

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