[Insight-users] Bug in itkFloodFilledFunctionConditionalIterator

Damion Shelton dmshelto@andrew.cmu.edu
Fri, 06 Sep 2002 15:15:46 -0400


Thanks for the fix. It turns out this fix was applied to 
itkFloodFilledFunctionConditionalConstIterator but not the non-const 
version. Both base classes are functionally identical except for the 
const enforcement, so it can be a bit of challenge keeping both in sync. 
I've committed the changes you requested to CVS.

Let me know if you have any more problems with flood fill code.


Alberto Bert wrote:

>On Sep 06 at 03:42PM+0200, Alberto Bert wrote:
>>>I think I found a little bug in the
>>>itkFloodFilledFunctionConditionalIterator.txx file.
>>>This bug prevent the floodfill iterator to work correctly when used on
>>>if you use the iterator on the first slice it will only stay on this slice
>>>because as soon as an index in one dimension is considered invalid the other
>>>is also considered invalid.
>>I've found the same problem. I'm using that class, so please warn me when it
>>will be fixed.
>I've watched to the code, and I've seen the bug (thanks Yann.)
>The problem was the initialization of the m_IsValidIndex variable, isn't it?
>For other users, the following code seems to work:
>for(int i=0; i<NDimensions; i++)
>	  {
>	    // IndexType tempIndex;
>	    // m_IsValidIndex = true;
>	    // The j loop establishes either left or right neighbor (+-1)
>	    for(int j=-1; j<=1; j+=2)
>	      {
>	        IndexType tempIndex;
>		m_IsValidIndex = true;
>		// build the index of a neighbor
>		for(int k=0; k<NDimensions; k++)
>                        ... 
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