[Insight-users] Re: LevenbergMarquardt Optimizer & Derivatives
Mark Hastenteufel
Mon, 23 Sep 2002 14:51:06 +0200
Hi Luis,
thanks for your quick modifications. Did you checked in the new Code?
I've just checked out the toolkit but the I could not found your
Luis Ibanez schrieb:
> Hi Mark,
> The modifications to the LevenbergMarquardt
> optimizer that you suggested have been made.
> Here is a summary of the changes:
> 1) In itkMultipleValuedVnlCostFunctionAdaptor
> the following methods were added:
> void SetUseGradient(bool);
> void UseGradientOn();
> void UseGradientOff();
> bool GetUseGradient();
> They map to the use_gradient member variable
> of the vnl_least_squares_function class
> 2) In the itkLevenbergMarquardtOptimizer
> the following methods were added:
> void SetUseCostFunctionGradient(bool);
> void UseCostFunctionGradientOn();
> void UseCostFunctionGradientOff();
> bool GetUseCostFunctionGradient();
> These methods provide access to the methods
> listed in (1) on the VnlAdaptor.
> The usage is illustrated in the file:
> Insight/Testing/Code/Numerics/itkLevenbergMarquardOptimizerTest.cxx
> basically:
> Optimizer->SetCostFunction( costFunction.GetPointer() );
> and the use of the gradient can be enabled by any of
> the following calls:
> costFunction->SetUseGradient( true );
> Optimizer->SetUseCostFunctionGradient( useGradient );
> The last one requires the CostFuction to be already
> plugged into the optimizer.
> Please let us know if you find any problem
> with the current implementation.
> Thanks
> Luis
Mark Hastenteufel
Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (German Cancer Research Center)
Div. Medical and Biological Informatics H0100 Tel: (+49) 6221-42 2353
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280 Fax: (+49) 6221-42 2345
D-69120 Heidelberg e-mail M.Hastenteufel@DKFZ.de
Germany http://www.dkfz.de/mbi/people/markh.html