[Insight-users] Re: randomness in MRIRegistration example

Stephen R. Aylward aylward@unc.edu
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 13:34:32 -0400


There is an appeal to leaving the setting of the random seed to the main 
app.  This way the user decides if a run/program should produce 
consistent results or not.   Also, this way the seed is not set multiple 

Just a vote.


P K wrote:
> My one concern about putting a re-seeding step in the
> RandomIterator constructor would be to what precision
> the time is calculated.  The metric is taking a lot of
> samples in rapid succession, and it's pretty important
> to have different seeds for those samples.  If the
> precision is high enough, that would make sense. 
> Otherwise perhaps either include it in the metric
> constructor or have a SetReseedingOn() method in the
> metric to re-seed?
> --Peter
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Dr. Stephen R. Aylward
Assistant Professor of Radiology
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science
(919) 966-9695