[Insight-users] Need help: Curve 2D Extraction Example crashing...

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Wed, 25 Sep 2002 14:39:55 -0400

Hi Smita,

Thanks for your detailed report.  Looking closer into the
example a couple of bugs were found.

1) Computation of the derivative was being done incorrectly.
    The example didn't follow the evolution of some changes
    in the RecursiveGaussianImageFilter.

2) Initial parameters for the region of acceptance in the
    parametric space were overrriden by the GUI.

Additionally, a normalization was added to the images that
contribute to the parametric space. This helps to remove the
dependencies on the dynamic range of the input image. With
this normalization, the position of the truncated pyramid
for accepting points on the parametric space must hold for
different types of input images.

Curiously, none of the problems found could have caused the
program to crash. So, there may still be some issues in your

Please let us know if you encounter further problems.




Kulkarni, Smita (MED) wrote:
> Thanks a lot for your prompt response Luis. 
> - I am using a raw image & here is the header file:
> 	NDims = 2
>     	DimSize = 1024 1024 1
>     	ElementType = MET_UCHAR
>     	ElementSpacing = 1.0 1.0 1.0
>     	ElementByteOrderMSB = True
>     	ElementDataFile = record_for_DSA_massy22
> - I am able to view the input image, and all other images on the left side
> of "Spatial FUnction" button in the pipeline. And they are as illustrated on
> the web page. 
> - I am able to see the parametric space of the image too with the green
> pyramid & I can manipulate the size & position of the pyramid. (The cluster
> is overlaped to the Pyramid representing the spatial function)
> - I dont know what values to enter in the spatial function GUI. SI think
> that is where there in some problem.
> I tried looking through the code to see where it is crashing. when i comment
> out the last line, it works fine & displays the modulus image fine. It seems
> to crash some place where it is trying to dynamic_cast from DataObject input
> to itk::Mesh.
>   m_Hxy->Update();
>   m_H1xy->Update();
>   m_Add->Update();
>   //m_Modulus->Update();
>   ShowGradientModulus();
>   /*ShowCurve2DPoints();*/
> Thanks a lot for your help. PLease provide any inputs or it would be great
> if you could send me the image that it works with...
> Thanks again,
> Smita.