[Insight-users] Pluggable Factories

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Mon, 31 Mar 2003 22:18:02 -0500

Hi Ron,

There are two ways of registering your own ImageIO factories

1) In your main.cxx file (or any file where you
    have your main() function) invoke

    ObjectFactoryBase::RegisterFactory( XYZImageIOFactory::New() );

    where XYZ is the name of your file format.

    This is completly equivalent to call:


    (if you see the definition of RegisterOneFactory in
     the .h files in Insight/Code/IO, you will find that
     it simply invoke ObjectFactoryBase::RegisterFactory)


2) You can have your factory be automatically registered
    by modifying the file:


    in the directory:


    starting in line 95, you will see the other file formats.
    (of course you will have to add the XXXImageIOFactory.h
    file to the #include lines).




Ron Inbar wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to write my own ImageIO subclass.
> So far I just copied MetaImageIO, gave it a new name and changed the 
> file extension test in CanReadFile and CanWriteFile.
> I saw the bit in the Software Guide about "pluggable factories", and I 
> understand from it that it should be possible to register my file type 
> to make ImageFileReader and ImageFileWriter automatically recognize it.  
> My question is: how?  I didn't find any explanation in the Software 
> Guide or elsewhere.
> I tried using <my class>::RegisterOneFactory, but it doesn't seem to work yet, and I'm not sure 
> it's the right method.
> Can you please give me an example of how this is done?
> Thanks in advance,
> Ron
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