[Insight-users] Neighborhood Iterator

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez@kitware.com
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 23:34:55 -0500

Hi George,

There is not an iterator that will perform exactly this
sequence of movements. It seems to be interesting to have
it for exploring regions around a seed.

The FloodFillConditional iterator could perform this type of
walking/growing  if its natural data structure is changed from
a std::stack to a std::queue.

This is something that seems to be worth investigating further
since this same change could improve the performance of
several region growing filters.



Iordanescu, Gheorghe (NIH/CC/DRD) wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I would like to have an iterator that starts from a certain seed and 
> iterates layer after layer around this seed:
> For example, for 3D case:
>  - iterate the first 26 neighbors,
>  - then the outer layer of neighbors of these 26 neighbors (I guess they 
> are 5*5*5 - 3*3*3 = 98 ?)
>  - and so on...
> Is there such an iterator?
> Thanks.
> George