[Insight-users] Streaming I/O

Mathieu Malaterre Mathieu.Malaterre@creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Tue, 08 Apr 2003 18:02:36 +0200

	As I have also been struggling to understand what were the differences 
between those regions I'll suggest you to have a look at:



Ron Inbar wrote:
> Hi James,
> Can you please explain the role of the IORegion in relation to the three 
> Image Regions (Requested, Buffered, and LargestPossible)?
> So far, my understanding was that the ImageFileWriter should set the 
> IORegion to the BufferedRegion in order to tell the ImageIO where (on 
> the disk) to write the contents of the buffer.  For example, if the file 
> format dictates that each z-slice reside in a separate file, using some 
> consistent naming scheme, then the ImageIO should use the 3^rd dimension 
> of the IORegion to know which files it has to modify.  It may assume 
> that the data are contiguous and that the buffer size matches the size 
> of the IORegion.
> Likewise, the ImageFileReader should set the IORegion to the 
> RequestedRegion and allocate a buffer to match this size.  The ImageIO 
> should then use the IORegion to find the requested data on the disk and 
> place them (contiguously) into the supplied buffer.
> The ImageIO may also need to use the m_Dimensions member to figure out 
> where the data reside on the disk.
> To sum up, I thought the data can be assumed to be contiguous in memory, 
> but not necessarily on the disk. 
> Is this not what you had in mind?
> Ron
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Miller, James V (Research) [mailto:millerjv@crd.ge.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 08, 2003 4:24 PM
> *To:* 'Ron Inbar'; 'Insight-users@public.kitware.com'
> *Subject:* RE: [Insight-users] Streaming I/O
> This is a problem with out current IO structure. In my opinion, the 
> region that should be written to disk should be the RequestedRegion (or 
> at worst the BufferedRegion).  Having it set to the 
> LargestPossibleRegion is a problem because you do not know whether the 
> pipeline actually gave you a buffer that contains the LargestPossibleRegion.
> I think there is a level of communication that is missing between the 
> FileWrite/FileReader and the IO objects.  From what I can deduce from 
> the code, the IO objects assume that the IORegion maps to a contiguous 
> block of
> memory in a buffer.  The pipeline mechanism doesn't necessarily ensure 
> that is the case.  The only region that is contiguous in memory is the 
> BufferedRegion.  So we either have to stick with this assumption and be 
> forced to copy the RequestedRegion to a contiguous block of memory 
> sometimes or we need expand the IO objects to understand
> that the IORegion is only a piece of a bigger buffer.
> I believe you had another streaming question as well.  A few months ago, 
> I added methods to the IO objects
> CanStreamRead()/CanStreamWrite().  The current IO objects always return 
> false for these methods because
> they do not support streaming.  When we have an IO object that supports 
> streaming, they will need to respond
> true to these methods. I think I put a call to CanStreamRead() in 
> ImageFileReader but I am not sure I put a corresponding call in 
> ImageFileWriter.  I look into that.
> Jim
>     -----Original Message-----
>     *From:* Ron Inbar [mailto:ron@mediguide.co.il]
>     *Sent:* Tuesday, April 08, 2003 6:32 AM
>     *To:* 'Insight-users@public.kitware.com'
>     *Subject:* [Insight-users] Streaming I/O
>     In the course of my efforts to implement an ImageIO subclass that
>     supports streaming, I came across the following code segment (in
>     itkImageFileWriter.txx):
>     template <class TInputImage>
>     void
>     ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
>     ::Write(void)
>     {
>       // . . .
>       // Make sure region is within the image, crop if necessary
>       ImageIORegion ioRegion(TInputImage::ImageDimension);
>       ImageRegion<TInputImage::ImageDimension> region =
>             input->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
>       const double *spacing = input->GetSpacing();
>       const double *origin = input->GetOrigin();
>       m_ImageIO->SetNumberOfDimensions(TInputImage::ImageDimension);
>       for(unsigned int i=0; i<TInputImage::ImageDimension; i++)
>         {
>         ioRegion.SetSize(i,region.GetSize(i));
>         ioRegion.SetIndex(i,region.GetIndex(i));
>         m_ImageIO->SetDimensions(i,region.GetSize(i));
>         m_ImageIO->SetSpacing(i,spacing[i]);
>         m_ImageIO->SetOrigin(i,origin[i]);
>         }
>       itkDebugMacro( <<"Region to write = " << ioRegion );
>       this->Write(ioRegion);       
>     }
>     My question is: why does it set the ioRegion to the
>     LargestPossibleRegion and not to the BufferedRegion?
>     (I tried to change it and on first inspection it seems to work OK
>     with the BufferedRegion).
>     Ron
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Mathieu Malaterre
28 Avenue du Doyen LEPINE
B.P. Lyon-Montchat
69394 Lyon Cedex 03