[Insight-users] Re: Registration on N images.
Luis Ibanez
Sun, 20 Apr 2003 21:50:41 -0400
Hi Prasad,
The ITK registration framework assumes that your
are registering just two images (fixed and moving).
If you need to register a set of N images, your
suggestion of using one of them as the fixed image
and the N-1 other image as moving images is the
right way to go.
This will result in N-1 independent registration
Prasad Sarma wrote:
> hi Luis,
> I have to implement realign operation of SPM for
> realigning 25 images. I have made 25 images ITK
> compatible by meta image format. I looked at the
> registration , seems to be taking only 2 images, fixed
> and moving. If I want to register 25 images , is it
> efficient to do registration iteratively keeping the
> firts image as a fixed image and performing the
> registration for the remaing 24 3D images using some
> kind of for loop or Is there any simple way to do
> regitrsation involving 1 fixed and more than 1 moving
> images?
> Thanks
> Prasad
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