[Insight-users] Registration Example Program
Luis Ibanez
luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Tue, 19 Aug 2003 18:44:28 -0400
Hi Dill,
Thanks for letting us know,
As you said, it is quite possible that the project is getting
confused with the two versions of ITK in your system. It may
be mixing headers from one version with headers for the other.
Please let us know how it goes after cleaning the traces
of version 1.0.
BTW, we are getting close to release 1.4. The repositoy is
relatively stable at this point. You may want to consider the
option of using the CVS version. The examples in the software
guide correspond to the current CVS version anyways.
Dill, John wrote:
> Hi Luis.
> That is the really confusing part. The files are exactly the same. Diff
> returns no difference.
> I tried the HelloWorld copied into a different directory, and it works okay,
> although I still have to add those other libraries to the CMakeLists file
> for it to link (don't know why). When I try to link in itkpng instead of
> png, itkpng not found, except that it's looking for Insight-1.0.0 when I
> only should have Insight-1.2.0. I think what is happening is that I had
> installed an older version of ITK but didn't get it cleaned up so it's using
> the wrong version when I'm compiling, and I don't believe I did a gmake
> install on the 1.2.0 distribution. I've got some cleaning to do.
> Many thanks,
> John
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Luis Ibanez [mailto:luis . ibanez at kitware . com]
>>Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 4:48 PM
>>To: Dill, John
>>Cc: 'insight-users at itk . org'
>>Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Registration Example Program
>>Hi Dill,
>>1) There must be a change between the ImageRegistration2.cxx
>> in your external directory and the one in
>> Insight/Examples/Registration/ImageRegistration2.cxx
>> Could you please make a 'diff' and post the result to the list ?
>> Something like
>> diff myDirectory/ImageRegistration2.cxx
>> (in a single line...)
>> I'm guessing that something like a modification in the image
>> dimension may have triggered the error that you reported.
>>2) Your CMakeLists.txt file looks ok,
>> You actually don't need to specify all these libraries.
>> CMake keeps track of the dependencies in ITK libraries.
>> So, for example, by linking with ITKIO, you will get for
>> free ITKCommon, itkpng, ITKMetaIO and pthreads.
>> You shold be ok by using only ITKIO and ITKBasicFilters
>> Note also that by adding "png" you are linking with the
>> png library installed in your system, not the one distributed
>> in Insight/Utilities. The one distributed with Insight is
>> renamed "itkpng". In any case, you shouldn't need to add it
>> to the CMakeLists.txt file, ITKIO should pull it in as a
>> dependency.
>>Please let us know about the diff in (1),
>> Luis