[Insight-users] PadImageFilter question
Benjamin King
king . benjamin at mh-hannover . de
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 17:40:38 +0100
Hello all,
I'm a bit confused about how ITK handles regions. I tried to multiply two
images with potentially different extent, so I padded the smaller one to
the full size (ConstantPadImageFilter). After that, I used a
MultiplyImageFilter. The results are only correct if the input images have
equal size. If they haven't, the multiplicated image looks shifted.
For images of different size, padFilter->GetOutput()-
>GetLargestPossibleRegion().Print(cout) yields
Dimension: 3
Index: [-25, -25, -25]
Size: [150, 150, 150]
while biggerImageReader->GetOutput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion()
.Print(cout) prints
Dimension: 3
Index: [0, 0, 0]
Size: [150, 150, 150]
I assume that the different indices cause the trouble. I tried to write the
output of the ConstantPadImageFilter to disk and read it back again. That
works, but I hope there is a better way...
Help is much appreciated and I also can provide code and data that
demonstrate the problem.
Best regards,
Benjamin King
Institut für Medizinische Informatik
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Tel.: +49 511 532-2663