[Insight-users] DICOM images

Sandy Gowda sandyapril2004 at yahoo . com
Thu, 28 Aug 2003 09:15:23 -0700 (PDT)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I am new to this DICOM images. I want to know if there are different types of dicom images, what is the extension for the DICOM images and using ITK can I display just the DICOM images without any registration or anything. Where can I start to write a application which can read and display dicom images and do I need any thing else for this. Please let me know.

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<DIV>I am new to this DICOM images. I want to know if there are different types of dicom images, what is the extension for&nbsp;the DICOM images and using ITK can I display just the DICOM images without any registration or anything. Where can I start to write a application which can read and display dicom images and do I need any thing else for this. Please let me know.</DIV>
<DIV>Sandy</DIV><p><hr SIZE=1>
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