[Insight-users] Show a ITK Image data in Qt

jiang jiang at TI . Uni-Trier . DE
Wed, 10 Dec 2003 17:30:03 +0100

Dear ITK users,
I read a series of DICOM file to build a volume and show three slice view in
different direction. I use Qt as user interface. And I adapt the
ApplicationModel as Luis recommended
http://public . kitware . com/pipermail/insight-users/2003-September/005094 . html
It works fine. Now I want to display one slice of the volume in another
QFrame. I extract one slice from volume by itk::ExtractImageFilter. And use
itk::ImageRegionIterator to access the image and copy data to QImage as
	for (unsigned int i=0;i<Size[0];i++)
	  for (unsigned int j=0;j<Size[1];j++)
		image ->setPixel(j,i,it.Get());

Then show the QImage in the following code:
Julien gave me some hints about how to do it in
http://www . itk . org/pipermail/insight-users/2003-August/004568 . html
		image->create(size[0],size[1],8,2000 );

	for (unsigned int i=0;i<256;i++)
	  QColor* rgb = new QColor(i,i,i);
	  image ->setColor(i,rgb->rgb());

	ProcessImage.CopyDesiredPiece(image);//It is the above copy function
	bool ok;
	ok=	pm.convertFromImage(*image, Qt::PreferDither );

Then use QLabel to show pm:
label->setPixmap(pm );

My problem is: the image which is showed in the QFrame is not same as the
slice shown in slice view as ApplicationModel does. In the slice view the
image is very clear. But in the QFrame the same image data, but it is very
unclear. I consider that it might be the parameters of window width and
window center of image data. The data type is signed short.
How can I show the image in the QFrame same as it is shown in the slice

Thank you very much!
