AW: AW: AW: [Insight-users] FLTK???????

Mathieu Malaterre
Mon, 17 Feb 2003 17:47:39 +0100


  I tried buildind FastMarchingLevelSet outside of ITK build tree but it 
is too much a trouble.
  So I recommend you to build it in the 'Build tree' (remove the line 
you added in Application/FastMarchingLevelSet/CMakeLists.txt)

And then go back to main build dir ccmake the main tree and turn to ON:


You'll be done then (you'll have to provide path to VTK and FLTK but 
that's all).


Waltraud Henrich wrote:

>You mean the file in Insight? 
>I missing all the three term. I send the CMakeCache.txt too.
>Thanks Waltraut
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: Mathieu Malaterre []
>Gesendet: Montag, 17. Februar 2003 17:22
>An: Waltraud Henrich
>Betreff: Re: AW: AW: [Insight-users] FLTK???????
>Sorry Waltraud
>I forgot to ask you for your InsightBin/CMakeCache.txt
>Or If you prefer you can answer me directly
>What is the value of
>If one of them is missing (i.e. is OFF) then you can't build 
>Waltraud Henrich wrote:
>>here I renamed the file in CMakeLists1.txt
>>In CMakeLists.txt I add
>>INCLUDE (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindFLTK.cmake) 
>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>Von: Mathieu Malaterre []
>>Gesendet: Montag, 17. Februar 2003 16:59
>>An: Waltraud Henrich
>>Betreff: Re: AW: [Insight-users] FLTK???????
>>  Could you send me your:
>>Waltraud Henrich wrote:
>>>I enable BUILD_APPLICATIONS:BOOL=ON but I don't get
>>>so I must build FastMarching.
>>>Thanks in advance.
>>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>Von: Mathieu Malaterre []
>>>Gesendet: Montag, 17. Februar 2003 16:18
>>>An: Waltraud Henrich
>>>Cc: ITK Users
>>>Betreff: Re: [Insight-users] FLTK???????
>>>Did you enable :
>>>in your CMakeCache.txt ? (or by ccmake ../Insight) ?
>>>If so everything should be ok.
>>>If you prefer to build FastMarching outside of ITK Binary dir you can 
>>>access options by pressing the key 't' (advanced mode)
>>>Waltraud Henrich wrote:
>>>>I will run the FastMarchingLevelSet demo application. I try to compile
>>>>ITK examples with CMakeSetup.exe.(Visual Studio 6) I read the
>>>>Getting-Started-4.pdf how I can Running CMake.
>>>>When I run CMake then I get the following error:
>>>>CMake Error:FLTK_WRAP_UI: Error:
>>>>FLTK_WRAP_UI called whith FLTK_WRAP_UI undefined  from CMakeLists.txt
>>>>in directory:
>>>>I read in the mailingList from Mon, 23 Dec 2002 12:11:49 -0500  that I
>>>>to add the following line to their CMakeLists.txt file: 
>>>>INCLUDE (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindFLTK.cmake) 
>>>>I add the following line and I receive the error message  this time but
>>>>click on configure button, I  get ahead . 
>>>>I can 
>>>>Set USE_FLTK_VERSION_1.0.11 = OFF
>>>>Set USE_FLTK_VERSION_1.1      = ON
>>>>Provide  FLTK_FLUID_EXE
>>>>but I can't 
>>>>Provide  ITK_BINARY_PATH
>>>>When I click on configure button and then on OK button. I open the
>>>>FastMarchingLevelSet.dsw and built the project.
>>>>I get the FastMarchingLevelSetGUI.h and the FastMarchingLevelSetGUI.cxx
>>>>the FastMarchingLevelSetGUI.fl and I get the following error:
>>>>se.h(20) : fatal error C1083: Include-Datei kann nicht geoeffnet werden:
>>>>'itkImageFileReader.h': No such file or directory
>>>>se.h(20) : fatal error C1083: Include-Datei kann nicht geoeffnet werden:
>>>>'itkImageFileReader.h': No such file or directory
>>>>se.h(20) : fatal error C1083: Include-Datei kann nicht geoeffnet werden:
>>>>'itkImageFileReader.h': No such file or directory
>>>>Generieren von Code...
>>>>Fehler beim Ausführen von cl.exe.
>>>>ALL_BUILD - 3 Fehler, 0 Warnung(en)
>>>>The Include file cannot be opened 
>>>>I think that the error cams because I can't provide ITK_BINARY_PATH.
>>>>What can I do?
>>>>Thanks in advance.
>>>>Insight-users mailing list
>># This is the CMakeCache file.
>># For build in directory:
>># You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake.
>># If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor.
>># If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor.
>># The syntax for the file is as follows:
>># KEY is the name of a varible in the cache.
>># TYPE is a hint to GUI's for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!.
>># VALUE is the current value for the KEY.
>># EXTERNAL cache entries
>>//Name of C++ compiler used.
>>//Flags used by the compiler during all build types, /GX /GR are
>>// for exceptions and rtti in VC++, /Zm1000 increases the compiler's
>>// memory allocation to support ANSI C++/stdlib
>>CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=/nologo /W3 /Zm1000 /GX /GR
>>//Flags used by the compiler during debug builds
>>//Flags used by the compiler during release minsize builds
>>//Flags used by the compiler during release builds (/MD /Ob1 /Oi
>>// /Ot /Oy /Gs will produce slightly less optimized but smaller
>>// files)
>>//Flags used by the compiler during Release with Debug Info builds
>>//Extra flags added to the link line for creation of exe and dlls.
>>//Program used to build from dsp files.
>>//Use the win32 thread library
>>//Single output directory for building all executables.
>>//Where can one of the fltk or fltkd libraries be found
>>//Where can the fluid file be found
>>//What is the path where the file FL/Fl.h can be found
>>//Value Computed by CMake
>>//Value Computed by CMake
>>//Single output directory for building all libraries.
>>//Use FLTK version 1.0.11
>>//Use FLTK version 1.1
>># INTERNAL cache entries
>>//What is the target build tool cmake is generating for.
>>//This is the directory where this CMakeCahe.txt was created
>>//Major version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache
>>//Minor version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache
>>//Path to CMake executable.
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO
>>//Path to cache edit program executable.
>>//Executable suffix.
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS
>>//Name of generator.
>>//Start directory with the top level CMakeLists.txt file for this
>>// project
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM
>>//Module library suffix.
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MODULE_SUFFIX
>>//Object file suffix.
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_OBJECT_FILE_SUFFIX
>>//Path to CMake installation.
>>//Shared library suffix.
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SHLIB_SUFFIX
>>//Size of char data type
>>//Size of double data type
>>//Size of float data type
>>//Size of int data type
>>//Size of long data type
>>//Size of short data type
>>//Size of void* data type
>>//Static library suffix.
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_STATICLIB_SUFFIX
>>//What system is this.  Result of uname.
>>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_USE_WIN32_THREADS
>>//Can we honour the FLTK_WRAP_UI command
>>//Path to an executable
>>//FLTK library, headers and Fluid are available
>>//Advanced flag for variable: HAVE_LIMITS_H
>>//Advanced flag for variable: HAVE_UNISTD_H
>>//Advanced flag for variable: WORDS_BIGENDIAN
>>INCLUDE (${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/FindFLTK.cmake) 
>> wsock32
>> )
>> )
>>ADD_EXECUTABLE(FastMarchingLevelSet ${FastMarchingLevelSet_SRCS})
>>FLTK_WRAP_UI( FastMarchingLevelSet ${FastMarchingLevelSet_GUI_SRCS} )
>>#Build the example of how to do simple scalar anisotropic diffusion
>>#on a PNG image
>>SUBDIRS (AnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter)
>>#Build the example of how to do simple feature extraction of gradient edges
>>#on a PNG image
>>SUBDIRS (GradientMagnitudeImageFilter)
>>#Build the example of various methods of segmentation using level sets.
>>SUBDIRS (LevelSetSegmentation)
>>#Build the example of how to create a static library for 
>># select filters in itk.
>>SUBDIRS (ITKFilterLib)
>>#Build the example of how to create a static library for 
>># the multi-resolution mutual information registration framework in itk.
>>SUBDIRS (ITKRegistrationLib)
>># Build the BasicIOAndFilter example
>>#Build the parameter file parser necessary for several applications that
>># Build the StreamedWatershedSegmentation example
>># Build the AntiAliasBinaryImageFilter example
>># Build the WatershedSegmentation example
>># Build the SimpleLevelSetsExample
>># Build the FloodFilledSpatialFunctionExample
>># Build the Multiresolution Registration example
>># Build the MI Validation application
>># Build the IBSR Validation applications
>># Build the multichannel tissue classification validation
>># Build the RawImageReadWrite example
>># Build the PNGImageReadWrite example
>># Build the ExtractImageRegion example
>># Build the DICOMApp example to output raw and png versions of DICOM file
>># Build the simple ImageViewer example. This requires GLUT to be installed
>> SUBDIRS(ImageViewer)
>># Applications requiring MetaImages and Fltk GUI 
>>   IF(WIN32)
>>   ENDIF(WIN32)
>>   SUBDIRS(AnisotropicDiffusionFltkGui)
>>   SUBDIRS(DistanceMapFilter)
>>   SUBDIRS(DicomImageViewer)
>>   SUBDIRS(GaussianFilter)
>>   SUBDIRS(GradientRecursiveGaussianFilter)
>>   SUBDIRS(Curves2DExtractor)
>>   SUBDIRS(Morphogenesis)
>>   SUBDIRS(MutualInformationEuler2DRegistration)
>>   SUBDIRS(ImageRegistration)
>>   SUBDIRS(ImageRegistration2D)
>>   SUBDIRS(RawImageReaderViewer)
>>   SUBDIRS(VoronoiSegmentation)
>>   SUBDIRS(SimpleFuzzyConnectedness)
>>#   SUBDIRS(OperatingRoom)
>>   IF(HAS_VTK)
>>     SUBDIRS(TripleTKImageDisplay)
>>     SUBDIRS(RegionGrowingSegmentation)
>>     SUBDIRS(ThresholdSegmentationLevelSet)
>>     SUBDIRS(FastMarchingLevelSet)
>>     SUBDIRS(ShapeDetectionLevelSet)
>>     SUBDIRS(GeodesicActiveContour)
>>   SUBDIRS(MetaImageViewer)
>>   SUBDIRS(MetaImageColorViewer)
>>   SUBDIRS(SurfaceGenerator)
>># MetaImage Utilities
>># Test the conditions for building the MRIBiasCorrection example
>># Add an option to build FEM applications
>># Add an option to build or not build the FuzzyConnectedness example
>># Add an option to build or not build the ShapeDetection example
>># The MRI Registration example needs VTK with tcl wrapping turned on.
>> SUBDIRS(MRIRegistration)
>># Add an option to build or not build the
>># GaussianMinimumErrorClassifier example
>># Add an option to build or not build the
>EllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction example
>># Add an option to build or not build the
>SymmetricEllipsoidInteriorExteriorSpatialFunction example
>># Test the conditions for building the ThinPlateSplines example
>>     SUBDIRS(ThinPlateSplines)
>>   SUBDIRS(vtkITK)
>>   SUBDIRS(SegmentationEditor)
># This is the CMakeCache file.
># For build in directory: d:/Programme/Development/Insight
># You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake.
># If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor.
># If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor.
># The syntax for the file is as follows:
># KEY is the name of a varible in the cache.
># TYPE is a hint to GUI's for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!.
># VALUE is the current value for the KEY.
># EXTERNAL cache entries
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Build the applications directory
>//Build the Examples directory
>//Build the testing tree.
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Name of C++ compiler used.
>//Flags used by the compiler during all build types, /GX /GR are
>// for exceptions and rtti in VC++, /Zm1000 increases the compiler's
>// memory allocation to support ANSI C++/stdlib
>CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING=/nologo /W3 /Zm1000 /GX /GR
>//Flags used by the compiler during debug builds
>//Flags used by the compiler during release minsize builds
>//Flags used by the compiler during release builds (/MD /Ob1 /Oi
>// /Ot /Oy /Gs will produce slightly less optimized but smaller
>// files)
>//Flags used by the compiler during Release with Debug Info builds
>//Extra flags added to the link line for creation of exe and dlls.
>//Program used to build from dsp files.
>//Use the win32 thread library
>//If you have Dart installed, where is it located?
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Single output directory for building all executables.
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Select whether the visualization functions will be built for
>// Finite Elements Modeling (FEM) classes or not. If you select
>// to build visualization functions, be sure to define FEM_BUILD_VISUALIZATION
>// macro before including the FEM classes.
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//What is the path where the file ITKData.readme can be found
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Use the system's version of the standard C++ library (STL and
>// streams). If 'OFF', ITK will build against a supplied version
>// of the standard library from SGI. On SGI systems, this should
>// be set to 'OFF'.
>//Build Tcl wrapper support.
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Single output directory for building all libraries.
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//OpenGL library for win32
>//GLU library for win32
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Value Computed by CMake
>//Use FLTK (The Fast Light Toolkit) for GUI (some applications
>// need this)
>//Use GLUT, this enables a very simple image viewer
>//Use VTK (The Visualization Toolkit) (some applications need this)
>//What is the path where the file avfCROP.1023c.raw can be found
>//Dependencies for target
>//Dependencies for the target
>//Dependencies for target
>//Dependencies for the target
># INTERNAL cache entries
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//What is the target build tool cmake is generating for.
>//This is the directory where this CMakeCahe.txt was created
>//Major version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache
>//Minor version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache
>//Path to CMake executable.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO
>//Path to cache edit program executable.
>//Executable suffix.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_EXTRA_LINK_FLAGS
>//Name of generator.
>//Start directory with the top level CMakeLists.txt file for this
>// project
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM
>//Module library suffix.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_MODULE_SUFFIX
>//Object file suffix.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_OBJECT_FILE_SUFFIX
>//Path to CMake installation.
>//Shared library suffix.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_SHLIB_SUFFIX
>//Size of char data type
>//Size of double data type
>//Size of float data type
>//Size of int data type
>//Size of long data type
>//Size of short data type
>//Size of void* data type
>//Static library suffix.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_STATICLIB_SUFFIX
>//What system is this.  Result of uname.
>//Advanced flag for variable: CMAKE_USE_WIN32_THREADS
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Advanced flag for variable: EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Advanced flag for variable: FEM_VISUALIZATION
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//no vtkFlWindowInteractor image support
>//Advanced flag for variable: HAVE_LIMITS_H
>//Advanced flag for variable: HAVE_UNISTD_H
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Advanced flag for variable: ITK_USE_SYSTEM_STDLIB
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Advanced flag for variable: LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Advanced flag for variable: OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR
>//Advanced flag for variable: OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY
>//Advanced flag for variable: OPENGL_glu_LIBRARY
>//Advanced flag for variable: OPENGL_xmesa_INCLUDE_DIR
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Advanced flag for variable: WORDS_BIGENDIAN
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to a library
>//Whether a library is static, shared or module.
>//Path to an executable
>//Path to an executable