[Insight-users] Re: SoftwareGuide.pdf is ready.

David Holmes holmesd3@yahoo.com
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 10:47:44 -0800 (PST)

--- Luis Ibanez <luis.ibanez@kitware.com> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> Please seee comments below,
>     Luis
> ----------------------------------------
> Simon Warfield wrote:
> > 
> >   I read over it rather quickly trying to
> understand the relationship
> > between a point in space and a voxel in an image.
> Perhaps you could clarify
> > section 4.1.4 regarding origin and spacing  (page
> 34)
> > ``These coordinates correspond to the position of
> the first pixel of 
>  >
> the image with respect to an arbitrary reference
> system in physical 
> space...user's
> > responsibility [to keep it consistent]'' 
> >      (there is a typo in this section by the way)
> >
> Thanks for pointing this out. (I'll fix the typo)
> Probably the best way to analyze the relationship
> between
> voxels and space points in ITK is with the diagrams
> of the
> ResampleImageFilter. This is section 5.7.1: pages
> 105-118.
> The diagram in Figure 5.40 is a good start (page 116
> in text)
> (page 123 of the PDF file).
> First of all, The space coordinates associated with
> one pixel are those
> of the pixel center. The figure shows two image
> grids and for both of
> them the centers of pixels are represented with
> circles. Two filled
> circles illustrate the origin of the image. That is,
> the coordinates
> of the first pixel in the image. The rectangles
> represent the area
> of coverage of the pixel. (Note that by 'pixel' we
> mean N-D pixels,
> so, 'voxels' are just 3D pixels).
> The image to the right, for example has "origin" =
> (50,130). This means
> that the center of the first pixel is at 50mm along
> x and 130mm along y
> from the origin of space coordinates.
> The actual origin of space coordinates is completly
> arbitrary...
> There is noting we can do about it since this comes
> from the very
> acquisition process when every scanner is calibrated
> and some arbitraty
> origin of coordinates is selected on the table.
> Image spacing is defined as the separation between
> the centers of
> neighbor pixels. For example in the left image grid,
> spacing is
> 20mm in X and 30mm in Y.
> The Index<> class in ITK provide the integer
> coordinates associated
> with the image grid. So in the right image, the blue
> arrow is comming
> out of the pixel with index = [1,2] (since the
> origin pixel is [0,0]).
> Registration in ITK is performed in space
> coordinates, not pixels.
> This allows to take into account the origin and
> spacing of each image.
> A detailed discussion on the mapping of the pixel
> (1,2) is presented
> in this section.
> > 
> >   Just where in the voxel does the registration
> and interpolation framework
> > understand the coordinate to point to ?  the
> center of the voxel or one of
> > the corners of the voxel ?
> >   Or is this up to the user to choose ?
> >   
> The center of the voxel is the point.
> This is consistent with the physics of the
> acquisition process.
> The value of a pixel is the representation of a
> continuous function
> that has been digitized. A nearest neighbor
> interpolator will then
> assign the same value to all the points surrounding
> the space point
> associated with the coordinates of the pixel (the
> pixel center).
> > Chapter 5 doesn't seem to address it.
> > 
> Thanks for pointing this out.
> It is definetly worth to expand on this on the
> section describing
> image interpolators in the registration framework...
> (added to the TODO list...)
> > 7.7.1 isn't completely clear.
> > ``NearestNeigbhorInterpolateImageFunction simply
> use the intensity of
> >         ^^^^^^^^ typo by the way
> > the nearest grid position. That is, it assumes
> that the image intensity
> > is piecewise constant with jumps mid-way between
> grid positions. This
> > interpolation scheme is cheap as it does not
> require any floating point
> > computations.''
> > 
> >   Does this imply that voxels extend + and - 0.5
> times the spacing from 
> > each grid position ? That is, each grid position
> is intended to be at the
> > center of a voxel, and similarly the origin is
> intended to point to the
> > center of a voxel.
> > 
> That's right. The space position of a pixel in ITK
> is the
> point associated with the center of the pixel.
> We may have to add a figure here to make it clearer.
> The final meaning should be that given a pixel at
> space
> coordinates (x,y), The nearest neighbor interpolator
> should
> assign this same value to all the points having
> coordinates
> x',y' such that
>     x' is in [ x - Xspacing/2 , x + Xspacing/2 ]
>     y' is in [ y - Yspacing/2 , y + Yspacing/2 ]
> >   How does this compare to the VTK scheme ?  How
> are origins and coordinates
> > mapped between ITK and VTK in the various ITK*VTK
> filters ?
> > 
> > 
> Well,
> As far as the scheme for interpolation goes, they
> are both
> the same.
> The difference is what is called a 'Pixel' in ITK
> and
> what is called a 'Pixel' in VTK.
> Let's talk about "data points" first.  If you have a
> file with a 2D
> image made of 5 x 7 data points, VTK will load it in
> a 5x7 grid and
> will say that your image is made of 4x6 pixels.
> Since VTK consider
> the pixels to be the squares whose corners are
> defined by data points.
> So, if you consider the grid of data points, the VTK
> 'pixels' are the
> Delaunay regions of the grid.  ITK on the other hand
> will load the
> file in a 5x7 grid and tell you that you have a 5x7
> pixels image.
> The ITK 'pixels' are the Voronoi regions of the grid
> defined 
=== message truncated ===

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