[Insight-users] No important changes in DeformableMesh3DFilter

Samuel Rodríguez Bescos srodrigu@gbt.tfo.upm.es
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 15:42:23 +0100

Hello everyone.

Firstly I would like to congratulate to Luis,Will, Lydia Josh and the
Insight Consortium in general  for  make the
ITKGuide. It is a very usefull document and It makes everything easier.

Now, I have a question about the DeformableMesh3DFilter.

I'm using this filter with a initial mesh derived from the Marching cubes
implemented in ITK (BinaryMask3DMeshSource class) of  the binary image
resulted from a initial segmentation of the liver using the confidence
connected image filter. The gradient image is  the image before applying the
 itkGradientRecursiveGaussianImageFilter to the initial image.

The parameters of the Deformable model filter are:

Stiffness= [0.00001, 0.04];
Step Threshold=1
Time Step=0.10

The Final is very similar to the initial mesh.
Do anybody know what could happen?.
Could the others demormable models filters like ballon force have better

Thanks in advance.
