[Insight-users] itkEucledianDistance
Wed, 22 Jan 2003 18:57:49 -0100
Hello Everyone
I am wanting to compute the Eucledian Distance between two vectors and
I thought I could use the class EucledianDistance from the itk::Statistics
It is templated over TVector
So I tried to declare
itk::Statistics::EuclideanDistance<vnl_vector<double> > Distance_Computer;
But that did not help me as the class TVector needs some functions to be
by it as seen in the following functions
itkStaticConstMacro(VectorLength, unsigned int, TVector::Length);
typedef typename TVector::ValueType ValueType ;
So the class needs a variable called Length and also a variable called
Since these are not there in vnl_vector this class cannot be used in
instantiating Eucledian class with vnl_vector
What could be done in this case ( A new derived class could be created
, but that leads to lot of rework for just that case)
And also what shoudl be the structure of TVector that is wanted b
yEucledian class is not known easily
Any feedback on this is welcome
Thanks and Warm Regards
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