[Insight-users] FastMarching on OS X

Jon Harald Kaspersen Jon.H.Kaspersen@unimed.sintef.no
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 11:24:00 +0100

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Hi Luis,

I noticed that you have made some changes to the FastMarchingLevelSet 
application in ITK.
I am happy to announce that these changes bypasses the problem we have 
had earlier with this application on OS X.  I have reduced the problem 
to be the use of ExpNegativeFilterType.  Changing from 
ExpNegativeFilterType to SigmoidFilterType cures the problem (some 
numerical overflow) we earlier had on OS X.

Jon Harald Kaspersen			Tel: 		+47 73 59 75 89
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering		Mob:		+47 93 03 65 90
Senior Scientist				Pager	+47 96 84 29 94
SINTEF Unimed - Ultralyd		Fax: 		+47 73 59 78 73
N-7465 Trondheim
NORWAY			e-mail:	Jon.H.Kaspersen@unimed.sintef.no
				WEB:	http://www.us.unimed.sintef.no/
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Hi Luis,

I noticed that you have made some changes to the FastMarchingLevelSet
application in ITK.

I am happy to announce that these changes bypasses the problem we have
had earlier with this application on OS X.  I have reduced the problem
to be the use of ExpNegativeFilterType.  Changing from
ExpNegativeFilterType to SigmoidFilterType cures the problem (some
numerical overflow) we earlier had on OS X.




Jon Harald Kaspersen			Tel: 		+47 73 59 75 89

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering		Mob:		+47 93 03 65 90

Senior Scientist				Pager	+47 96 84 29 94

SINTEF Unimed - Ultralyd		Fax: 		+47 73 59 78 73

N-7465 Trondheim

NORWAY			e-mail:	Jon.H.Kaspersen@unimed.sintef.no

				WEB:	<underline><color><param>1A1A,1A1A,FFFF</param>http://www.us.unimed.sintef.no/</color></underline>
