[Insight-users] Re: ITK Processing + VTK Visualization

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Thu, 31 Jul 2003 08:40:12 -0400

Hi Marcellus,

ITK does not provide any visualization functionality.
The goal of ITK is to perform image Segmentation and

You may use VTK for visualizing the image, in particular
using the vtkImageViewer class.
http://www . vtk . org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkImageViewer . html

If what you want is to load a BMP file into ITK and do
image processing with it, you may use the vtkBMPReader
and then the VTKImageToImage adaptor in order to convert
the vtkImageData object into and itkImage.

Note that BMP is a poor format for storing medical images,
in particular its mechanism form storing pixel spacing is
quite unprecise since it uses an integer to store the
number of pixels per meter. That is one of the reaons why
BMP readers are absent in ITK. Another reason is that BMP
is mostly used by MS-Windows applications and not that much
by Unix applications.

If you feel like writing a BMP reader, you may want to look
at converting the code for writing BMPs posted on the list
http://www . itk . org/pipermail/insight-users/2003-June/003952 . html



marcellus walace wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> I have one another question.
> But How can I visualize BMP file in itk?
> Regards
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