[Insight-users] Image Format

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Mon, 16 Jun 2003 15:54:39 -0400

Hi P3rdigao,

In the SegmentationEditor application, the data
is being read using  VTK.

You can specify a "sprintf" pattern for generating
the filenames of the slices in a sequence.

This program assumes that your slices are raw
data stored one slice per file.

If you need to convert your slices from .gif,
.tiff, or .bmp into raw, you may want to use
the ImageMagick tools.  In particular:

1) "convert" will convert the files one by one
2) "mogrify" will convert all of them at once

If you are running in Windows, please be careful
since there is a system utility "convert" that
will transform your file system into NT, so make
sure that you are running the binary from
ImageMagick and not the system tool.



p3rdigao wrote:
> Hi
> In the tumorbase (the brain) used for the Segmentation Editor example, the
> image data have extension *.01, *.02, *.03 and so on
> My question is: In my own image files that are *.gif, *.tiff , *.bmp....how
> do I converte them to *.01...*.0n ?
> Thanks a lot
> p3