[Insight-users] Problem compiling ITK on OSX

Jon Harald Kaspersen Jon.H.Kaspersen@unimed.sintef.no
Sat, 1 Mar 2003 10:39:12 +0100

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Hi Robb,

Try to build ITK with static libs instead of shared.  The dashboard  
build is done with static libs.


On Thursday, February 27, 2003, at 09:00 PM, Robb Brown wrote:

> I've tried compiling ITK, both the release and CVS versions, on OS X.   
> In both cases, I get the following error:
> Building shared library  
> /Network/Servers/mrc-filer.crha-health.ab.ca/vol/home/brownr/common/ 
> development/unstable/Insight1.0b/bin/libVXLNumerics.dylib...
> ld: common symbols not allowed with MH_DYLIB output format with the  
> -multi_module option
> rpoly.o definition of common _global_ (size 4232)
> /usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed
> make[7]: ***  
> [/Network/Servers/mrc-filer.crha-health.ab.ca/vol/home/brownr/common/ 
> development/unstable/Insight1.0b/bin/libVXLNumerics.dylib] Error 1
> make[6]: ***  
> [/Network/Servers/mrc-filer.crha-health.ab.ca/vol/home/brownr/common/ 
> development/unstable/Insight1.0b/bin/libVXLNumerics.dylib] Error 2
> make[5]: ***  
> [/Network/Servers/mrc-filer.crha-health.ab.ca/vol/home/brownr/common/ 
> development/unstable/Insight1.0b/bin/libITKCommon.dylib] Error 2
> make[4]: *** [default_target] Error 2
> make[3]: *** [default_target_Numerics] Error 2
> make[2]: *** [default_target] Error 2
> make[1]: *** [default_target_Code] Error 2
> make: *** [default_target] Error 2
> This is with CMake 1.65 (release binaries on cmake.org).  CVS CMake  
> gives errors.  I had to set CMake to 1.4 compatibility to get it to  
> work with the 1.0 release version of ITK.
> I'm using the Dec 2002 release of Apple's developer tools, GCC 3.1.
> Any advice would be appreciated.  Has anyone looked at making more  
> detail available through the dashboard system about some of the  
> configuration parameters that result in successful compilation?   
> Compiler version, CMake version and even a copy of the CMakeCache.txt  
> file would be invaluable.
> Thanks,
> Robb
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Jon Harald Kaspersen			Tel: 		+47 73 59 75 89
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering		Mob:		+47 93 03 65 90
Senior Scientist				Pager	+47 96 84 29 94
SINTEF Unimed - Ultralyd		Fax: 		+47 73 59 78 73
N-7465 Trondheim
NORWAY			e-mail:	Jon.H.Kaspersen@unimed.sintef.no
				WEB:	http://www.us.unimed.sintef.no/

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Hi Robb,

Try to build ITK with static libs instead of shared.  The dashboard
build is done with static libs.



On Thursday, February 27, 2003, at 09:00 PM, Robb Brown wrote:


I've tried compiling ITK, both the release and CVS versions, on OS X. 
In both cases, I get the following error:

Building shared library

ld: common symbols not allowed with MH_DYLIB output format with the
-multi_module option

rpoly.o definition of common _global_ (size 4232)

/usr/bin/libtool: internal link edit command failed

make[7]: ***
Error 1

make[6]: ***
Error 2

make[5]: ***
Error 2

make[4]: *** [default_target] Error 2

make[3]: *** [default_target_Numerics] Error 2

make[2]: *** [default_target] Error 2

make[1]: *** [default_target_Code] Error 2

make: *** [default_target] Error 2

This is with CMake 1.65 (release binaries on cmake.org).  CVS CMake
gives errors.  I had to set CMake to 1.4 compatibility to get it to
work with the 1.0 release version of ITK.

I'm using the Dec 2002 release of Apple's developer tools, GCC 3.1.

Any advice would be appreciated.  Has anyone looked at making more
detail available through the dashboard system about some of the
configuration parameters that result in successful compilation? 
Compiler version, CMake version and even a copy of the CMakeCache.txt
file would be invaluable.




Insight-users mailing list




Jon Harald Kaspersen			Tel: 		+47 73 59 75 89

Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering		Mob:		+47 93 03 65 90

Senior Scientist				Pager	+47 96 84 29 94

SINTEF Unimed - Ultralyd		Fax: 		+47 73 59 78 73

N-7465 Trondheim

NORWAY			e-mail:	Jon.H.Kaspersen@unimed.sintef.no

				WEB:	<underline><color><param>1A1A,1A1A,FFFF</param>http://www.us.unimed.sintef.no/</color></underline>

