[Insight-users] Re: Reg Registration
Luis Ibanez
Fri, 02 May 2003 11:06:28 -0400
Hi Prasad,
When you use MeanSquares as image metric, the
optimizer must be set to MaximizeOff() [ not
to MaximizeOn() ], please look closely at the
ImageRegistration3.cxx example in line 381.
The MeanSquare metric is optimal when its
value reaches zero. This is described in the
section 7.9.1 pdf-page 224.
Prasad Sarma wrote:
> hi Luis,
> Thanks for your response. for the the Images of same
> modality I used the MeanSquaresImageToImageMetric and
> I set the optimizer to Maximizeon(). (This is
> illustrated in the Registration example 3).
> I tried with Minimizeon(), The translation seems to in
> the opposite direction and it failed after 150
> iterations, I used the step size .01,0.2 , I think for
> this maximizeon() seems to converge before 200
> iterations as we saw before. for minimizeon()
> I get after 150 iterations the following o/p
> ------
> 150 = 9279.42 : [-18.8754, -14.9157, -18.0816]
> ExceptionObject caught !
> itk::ExceptionObject (00EDFDA0)
> Location: "Unknown"
> File: C:\Documents and Settings\Prasad\My
> Documents\Insight\Insight\Code\Algorit
> hms\itkMeanSquaresImageToImageMetric.txx
> Line: 91
> Description: itk::ERROR:
> MeanSquaresImageToImageMetric(00231140): All the
> points
> mapped to outside of the moving image
> -------------------
> I am thinking even though the means squares values
> increase for MAxmizeon() the optimizer converges
> before 200 iterations for the values of 0.01 and 0.2 ,
> I tried to use still smaller step lengths but the
> optimizer is completing 200 iterations so ,I feel all
> the parameters ( MAximizeon(),.01,.2 etc) I have
> chosen are reasonble parameters. What is your opinion?
> Reg. Muldimodality I have to try with the MattesMutual
> information and the RegularStep gradient descent
> optimizer. I wil do it soon.
> Thanks
> Prasad
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