[Insight-users] fltkImage2DViewer?
Chad Washington
chad . w . washington at vanderbilt . edu
Wed, 7 May 2003 16:03:49 -0500
I am trying to display a 2D image using the fltkImage2DViewer class found in
InsightApplications/Auxiliary/FltkImageViewer. I use the following commands:
typedef fltk::Image2DViewer< PixelType > ViewerType;
ViewerType::Pointer myViewer = ViewerType::New();
viewer->SetImage( myFilter->GetOutput() );
I see the image pop up for an instance, and then both it and the gui form
disappear. How do I keep the image up for interaction. I tried using the
SetInteractionMode command, but it didn't seem to help.
Thanks for the help,
Chad Washington
Biomedical Modeling Lab
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Vanderbilt University