[Insight-users] Deformable Model Mesh to VTK

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Thu, 08 May 2003 13:08:26 -0400

Hi Marisa,

You can find an example of this conversion in one
of the VolView plugins in InsightApplications


Please look at the file



In particular to the method:  PostProcessData() (line 192).

This VolView Plugin is running a DeformableModel and passing
the resulting mesh for being visualized with VTK.




marisa aurelio wrote:
> Hi,
> Im triying to send the output mesh of the Deformable model application 
> into a vtk converter so i can show the mesh with VTK. I tried to use the 
> VTK2ITKdouble example but the mesh in this example is diferent. Can 
> anyone tell me how to convert the output mesh into an vtk readable??
> thanks in advance,
> Marisa Aurélio
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Code Extract

   typedef typename MeshType::Pointer  MeshPointer;
   MeshPointer mesh = m_DeformableModelFilter->GetOutput();

   // now put the results into the data structure
   const unsigned int numberOfPoints = mesh->GetNumberOfPoints();
   opds->NumberOfMeshPoints = numberOfPoints;

   float * points = new float[ numberOfPoints * 3 ];
   opds->MeshPoints = points;
   float * outputPointsItr = points;
   typedef typename MeshType::PointsContainer::ConstIterator PointIterator;
   PointIterator pointItr  = mesh->GetPoints()->Begin();
   PointIterator pointsEnd = mesh->GetPoints()->End();

   while( pointItr != pointsEnd )
     ofs << pointItr.Value() << std::endl;
     *outputPointsItr++ = pointItr.Value()[0];
     *outputPointsItr++ = pointItr.Value()[1];
     *outputPointsItr++ = pointItr.Value()[2];

   opds->NumberOfMeshCells = mesh->GetNumberOfCells();
   unsigned int numEntries = 0;

   typedef typename MeshType::CellsContainer::ConstIterator CellIterator;
   CellIterator cellItr = mesh->GetCells()->Begin();
   CellIterator cellEnd = mesh->GetCells()->End();

   // Cell connectivity entries follow the format of vtkCellArray:
   // n1, id1, id2,... idn1,  n2, id1, id2,.. idn2....
   while( cellItr != cellEnd )
     // one position for the number of points
     numEntries += 1;
     // plus one position per each point Id
     numEntries += cellItr.Value()->GetNumberOfPoints();

   int * cellsTopology = new int [ numEntries ];
   opds->MeshCells = cellsTopology;

   typedef typename MeshType::CellType               CellType;
   typedef typename CellType::PointIdConstIterator   PointIdIterator;

   cellItr = mesh->GetCells()->Begin();
   int * cellsTopItr = cellsTopology;

   while( cellItr != cellEnd )
     const CellType * cell = cellItr.Value();
     const unsigned int np = cell->GetNumberOfPoints();
     ofs << std::endl << np << "  ";
     *cellsTopItr = np;
     PointIdIterator pointIdItr = cell->PointIdsBegin();
     PointIdIterator pointIdEnd = cell->PointIdsEnd();
     while( pointIdItr != pointIdEnd )
       ofs <<  *pointIdItr << "  ";
       *cellsTopItr = *pointIdItr;