[Insight-users] Pipeline question

Paul Yushkevich pauly at cognitica . com
Thu, 15 May 2003 10:55:37 -0400

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Miller, James V (Research) wrote:

I wrote my own filter to accomodate the needs of our application, and 
here is the code for it.  I've marked the place of interest with a large 
//**** comment.


>What filter are you using to extract the slices?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul Yushkevich [mailto:pauly@cognitica.com]
>Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 9:35 AM
>To: Miller, James V (Research)
>Cc: insight
>Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Pipeline question
>Let me try to clarify the problem.
>Let's say I have a large 3D image that never changes.  I then have the 3 
>slicing filters, each of which is followed by an intensity remapping 
>filter, then followed by a padding filter that makes the slices 256x256 
>and then by another 'mapper' that stores the slices in texture memory 
>for display.  I update these mappers each time that my GUI needs to 
>redraw.  However, I would like the pipeline to cache the output of the 
>slicing and preprocessing and texturing filters as long as I don't 
>change their parameters (e.g. the slice number to display)
>What happens is that this display pipeline gets executed every time that 
>Update is called on the texturing mappers at the end of the pipeline.  I 
>think that that happens because the call to Update causes the 
>RequestedRegion to be propagated backwards through the pipeline.  For 
>each of the 3 slices, a different RequestedRegion is set in the 3D 
>image.  As a result, the 3D Image's MTime gets incremented for each of 
>these Updates(), and then the whole pipeline gets executed, and no 
>caching occurs.
>Now, I can get around this problem by having the slicing filters set 
>their input's requested region to be the LargestPossibleRegion.  That's 
>fine for a static 3D image that I have described, but imagine that the 
>3D image is an output of another pipeline, and I want to run that 
>pipeline only for the pixels in the slices.  In this situation, setting 
>RequestedRegion to the LargestPossibleRegion is not what I want
>Thank you!
>Miller, James V (Research) wrote:
>>Let me see if I understand the problem correctly.
>>You have a pipeline where near the end of the pipeline you have 3 separate
>>slice extraction filters.  When you call Update() on the slice extraction
>>filters in succession, the entire pipeline re-executes? Or just the slice
>>extraction filters re-execute?
>>Is the input image to the three slice extraction filters "big enough" to
>>support all three requests? If every filter before the slice extraction
>>filter that you are executing properly handles streaming, then filter
>>the slice extraction filters would probably have only produced just enough
>>output to support the first slice extraction request.  When the second
>>request arrives, the pipeline would re-execute to generate the new
>>One thing you might want to check is whether the BufferedRegion is changing
>>on the input to the slice extraction filters after each successive call to
>>Update() on the slice extraction filters. If it is changing, then it means
>>that when the filter before the slice extraction gets each request, it
>>thinks it needs to re-execute.  One thing you can try is to call
>>UpdateLargestPossibleRegion() on the filter before the slice extraction
>>filters so that all the output (to that point) is available.  Then the
>>extraction filters should never cause the filter before the slice
>>filter to re-execute.
>>The last time I tested things like this explictly was a couple of months
>>when I added InPlace filters.  Here I exercised the pipeline quite a bit to
>>make sure branches of a pipeline properly executed.  But your issue may be
>>particular to the slice extraction filter.
>>But if the filter before the slice extraction filter is not re-executing
>>the slice extraction filters are always re-executing, then that is a
>>different issue.  This could therefore be an MTime issue.
>>If you could whittle this down to a small test program that would certainly
>>help us out.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Paul Yushkevich [mailto:pauly@cognitica.com]
>>Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 5:02 PM
>>To: insight
>>Subject: [Insight-users] Pipeline question
>>I have a small question about the pipeline.
>>I have a large image that is the input to three slice extraction filters 
>>that operate on different regions of the image.  Now, every time I call 
>>Update() on the outputs of these filters, the entire pipeline gets 
>>rerun, even though neither the input image nor the parameters of the 
>>filters had changed.
>>I traced this down to the fact that the input image is Modified() every 
>>time its requested region  changes.  As different RequestedRegions are 
>>propagated from the three different filters, the input image's MTime 
>>gets incremented, and the image appears as if it has changed, even 
>>though it really hadn't.
>>Is there any way around this issue?  I want to be able to call Update() 
>>frequently on the outputs of the three slice filters, but only have the 
>>filters run if the image or the filter parameters have changed.

Paul A. Yushkevich, Ph.D.
President, Cognitica Corporation

17 Flemington Rd
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
Tel: 1-919-929-7652

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#ifndef __IRISSlicer_h_
#define __IRISSlicer_h_

#include <ImageCoordinateTransform.h>

#include <itkImageToImageFilter.h>
#include <itkImageSliceConstIteratorWithIndex.h>
#include <itkImageRegionIterator.h>

 * A slice extraction filter for 3D images.  This filter takes a transform
 * from image space (x=pixel, y=line, z=slice) to display space.  A slice 
 * shows either x-y, y-z, or x-z in the display space.  This filter is necessary
 * because the origin in the slice can correspond to any corner of the image, not
 * just to the origin of the image.  This filter can traverse the image in different
 * directions, accomodating different positions of the display space origin in the
 * image space.
template <class TPixel>
class ITK_EXPORT IRISSlicer 
: public itk::ImageToImageFilter<itk::Image<TPixel,3>, itk::Image<TPixel,2> >
  /** Standard class typedefs. */
  typedef IRISSlicer  Self;
  typedef itk::Image<TPixel,3>  InputImageType;
  typedef itk::Image<TPixel,2>  OutputImageType;
  typedef itk::ImageToImageFilter<InputImageType,OutputImageType> Superclass;
  typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self>   Pointer;
  typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self>  ConstPointer;

  /** Method for creation through the object factory. */
  /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
  itkTypeMacro(IRISSlicer, ImageToImageFilter);

  /** Some typedefs. */
  typedef typename InputImageType::ConstPointer  InputImagePointer;
  typedef typename InputImageType::RegionType  InputImageRegionType; 
  typedef typename OutputImageType::Pointer  OutputImagePointer;
  typedef typename OutputImageType::RegionType  OutputImageRegionType;
  typedef itk::ImageSliceConstIteratorWithIndex<InputImageType>  InputIteratorType;
  typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator<OutputImageType>  OutputIteratorType;

  /** Set the transform that maps the image space into the display space */
  void SetImageToDisplayTransform(const ImageCoordinateTransform &imageToDisplay);
  /** Get the transforms stored in the slicer */

  /** Set the current slice index */
  itkSetMacro(SliceIndex,unsigned int);
  itkGetMacro(SliceIndex,unsigned int);

  /** Set the current axis direction */
  itkSetMacro(SliceAxis,unsigned int);
  itkGetMacro(SliceAxis,unsigned int);

  virtual ~IRISSlicer() {};

   * IRISSlicer can produce an image which is a different
   * resolution than its input image.  As such, IRISSlicer
   * needs to provide an implementation for
   * GenerateOutputInformation() in order to inform the pipeline
   * execution model.  The original documentation of this method is
   * below.
   * \sa ProcessObject::GenerateOutputInformaton()  */
  virtual void GenerateOutputInformation();

   * This method maps an input region to an output region
  virtual void CallCopyOutputRegionToInputRegion(InputImageRegionType &destRegion,
                              const OutputImageRegionType &srcRegion);

   * IRISSlicer is not implemented as a multithreaded filter.
   * \sa ImageToImageFilter::GenerateData()  
  virtual void GenerateData();

  IRISSlicer(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
  void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented

  // Transform from image to the slices
  ImageCoordinateTransform m_ImageToDisplay;
  // Transform from slices to the image
  ImageCoordinateTransform m_DisplayToImage;

  // Current slice in each of the dimensions
  unsigned int m_SliceIndex;

  // Current axis direction
  unsigned int m_SliceAxis;

  // Axes in display space that correspond to the z,x,y axes of the slice
  // (The z axes of the slice is the dimension in which the slice moves)
  Vector3i m_DisplayAxes;

  // Axes in image space that correspond to the z,x,y axes of the slice
  // (The z axes of the slice is the dimension in which the slice moves)
  Vector3i m_ImageAxes;

  // The direction in which the image axes are traversed (+1 or -1)
  Vector3i m_AxesDirection;

  // This method computes the axes.  Since this is so fast, the method is run 
  // each time the axes are needed
  void ComputeAxes();

  // The worker method in this filter
  void CopySlice(InputIteratorType itImage, OutputIteratorType itSlice, 
                 int sliceDir, int lineDir);

template<class TPixel> 
  // There is a single input to the filter

  // There are three outputs from the filter

  // Initialize slice indices
  m_SliceIndex = 0;
  m_SliceAxis = 0;

template<class TPixel> 
void IRISSlicer<TPixel>
  // Get pointers to the inputs and outputs
  typename Superclass::InputImageConstPointer inputPtr = GetInput();
  typename Superclass::OutputImagePointer outputPtr = GetOutput();
  // The inputs and outputs should exist
  if (!outputPtr || !inputPtr) return;

  // Get the size and origin of the output image
  InputImageRegionType inputRegion = inputPtr->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
  itk::Size<3> inputSize = inputRegion.GetSize();
  Vector3d inputSpacing(inputPtr->GetSpacing());
  // Compute the axes directions

  // Create the new size for the region
  itk::Size<2> sliceSize;
  sliceSize[0] = inputSize[m_ImageAxes(1)];
  sliceSize[1] = inputSize[m_ImageAxes(2)];
  // Set the region of the output slice

  // Compute the origin of the new image
  Vector2d sliceOrigin(0.0);
  // Compute the spacing of the new image    
  Vector2d sliceSpacing(inputSpacing(m_ImageAxes(1)),


template<class TPixel>
void IRISSlicer<TPixel>
::CallCopyOutputRegionToInputRegion(InputImageRegionType &destRegion,
                                    const OutputImageRegionType &srcRegion)
  // Start with the largest possible region
  destRegion = GetInput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion();

  // *************************************************
  // This is the code I had to comment out because it
  // causes the pipeline to be re-evaluated each time
  // *************************************************
  // Compute the axes directions

  // Set the size of the region to 1 in the requested direction

  // Set the index of the region in that dimension to the number of the slice

template<class TPixel> 
void IRISSlicer<TPixel>
  // Here's the input and output
  InputImagePointer  inputPtr = GetInput();
  OutputImagePointer  outputPtr = GetOutput();
  // Do we really need this?
  // ProgressReporter progress(this, threadId, outputRegionForThread.GetNumberOfPixels());

  // Allocate (why is this necessary?)

  // Compute the region in the image for which the slice is being extracted
  InputImageRegionType inputRegion = inputPtr->GetLargestPossibleRegion();

  // Set the size of the region to 1 in the requested direction

  // Set the index of the region in that dimension to the number of the slice

  // Compute the axes directions

  // Create an iterator that will parse the desired slice in the image
  InputIteratorType it(inputPtr,inputRegion);

  // Create an iterator into the slice itself
  OutputIteratorType itSlice(outputPtr,outputPtr->GetLargestPossibleRegion());

  // Copy the contents

  cout << "SLICING " << m_SliceAxis << "; Type " << sizeof(TPixel) << endl;

template<class TPixel> 
void IRISSlicer<TPixel>
  // This is how the axes in the display space map onto the U,V axes of the
  // individual slices
  static unsigned int linkedAxes[3][3] = {{0,1,2},{1,0,2},{2,0,1}};

  // Compute the slice axes in display and image
  for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;i++) 
    // Compute the directions of the slice in display space  
    m_DisplayAxes(i) = linkedAxes[m_SliceAxis][i];
    // Map the dimensions into the image space
    m_ImageAxes(i) = 
    // Compute the direction of traversal in these dimensions
    m_AxesDirection(i) = 

template<class TPixel> 
void IRISSlicer<TPixel>
::SetImageToDisplayTransform(const ImageCoordinateTransform &imageToDisplay)
  // Set the transform
  m_ImageToDisplay = imageToDisplay;
  m_DisplayToImage = imageToDisplay.Inverse();

  // Modified!

template<class TPixel> 
void IRISSlicer<TPixel>
::CopySlice(InputIteratorType itImage, OutputIteratorType itSlice, 
            int sliceDir, int lineDir)
  if (sliceDir > 0 && lineDir > 0) {
    while (!itImage.IsAtEndOfSlice()) {
      while (!itImage.IsAtEndOfLine()) {
  } else if (sliceDir > 0 && lineDir < 0) {
    while (!itImage.IsAtEndOfSlice()) {
      while (1) {
        if (itImage.IsAtReverseEndOfLine())
  } else if (sliceDir < 0 && lineDir > 0) {
    while (!itImage.IsAtReverseEndOfSlice()) {
      while (!itImage.IsAtEndOfLine()) {
  } else if (sliceDir < 0 && lineDir < 0) {
    while (1) {
      while (1) {
        if (itImage.IsAtReverseEndOfLine())
      if (itImage.IsAtReverseEndOfSlice())

