[Insight-users] [Insight-users]itkMutualInformationImageToImageMetric.txx
Lydia Ng
lng at insightful . com
Thu, 22 May 2003 15:21:34 -0700
Hi Aloys,
Thank you for your contribution - it has been added to cvs repository.
FYI: I did a test on my machine (XP,VC7,Release mode) with 100 calls to
Before: 4.25 seconds
After : 3.031 seconds
> -----Original Message-----
> From: duboisda at tele . ucl . ac . be [mailto:duboisda at tele . ucl . ac . be]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 11:27 AM
> To: insight-users at public . kitware . com
> Subject: [Insight-users] [Insight-
> users]itkMutualInformationImageToImageMetric.txx
> Some optimisation methods using the MutualInformationMetric need the
> derivative of the MI. The slow part of the derivative is the line
> derivative +=3D ( derivB - (*aditer) ) * weight;
> You can accelerate it by 3 if you replace
> for( aiter =3D m_SampleA.begin(), aditer =3D
> aiter !=3D aend; ++aiter, ++aditer )
> {
> valueFixed =3D ( (*biter).FixedImageValue -
(*aiter).FixedImageValue )
> /
> m_FixedImageStandardDeviation;
> valueFixed =3D m_KernelFunction->Evaluate( valueFixed );
> valueMoving =3D ( (*biter).MovingImageValue -
> (*aiter).MovingImageValue ) /
> m_MovingImageStandardDeviation;
> valueMoving =3D m_KernelFunction->Evaluate( valueMoving );
> weightMoving =3D valueMoving / dDenominatorMoving;
> weightJoint =3D valueMoving * valueFixed / dDenominatorJoint;
> weight =3D ( weightMoving - weightJoint );
> weight *=3D (*biter).MovingImageValue - (*aiter).MovingImageValue;
> derivative +=3D ( derivB - (*aditer) ) * weight;
> } // end of sample A loop
> } // end of sample B loop
> by
> totalweight =3D 0;
> for( aiter =3D m_SampleA.begin(), aditer =3D
> aiter !=3D aend; ++aiter, ++aditer )
> {
> valueFixed =3D ( (*biter).FixedImageValue -
(*aiter).FixedImageValue )
> /
> m_FixedImageStandardDeviation;
> valueFixed =3D m_KernelFunction->Evaluate( valueFixed );
> valueMoving =3D ( (*biter).MovingImageValue -
> (*aiter).MovingImageValue ) /
> m_MovingImageStandardDeviation;
> valueMoving =3D m_KernelFunction->Evaluate( valueMoving );
> weightMoving =3D valueMoving / dDenominatorMoving;
> weightJoint =3D valueMoving * valueFixed / dDenominatorJoint;
> weight =3D ( weightMoving - weightJoint );
> weight *=3D (*biter).MovingImageValue - (*aiter).MovingImageValue;
> totalweight +=3D weight;
> derivative -=3D (*aditer) * weight;
> } // end of sample A loop
> derivative +=3D derivB * totalweight;
> } // end of sample B loop
> And you have to initialize totalweight at the beginning of the
function as
> double.
> derivB is a constant array in the loop. Add it takes a long time. Just
> the weight during the A loop and multiply derivB at the end is
> aloys
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