[Insight-users] growing segmentation application from InsightApplications.

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Tue, 27 May 2003 11:38:47 -0400

Hi Zein,

Yes, the method in the Anisotropic diffusion filters
originally was "SetIterations()" and was renamed as
"SetNumberOfIterations()" in order to match the style
used by other filters in the toolkit.

You seem to be mixing the CVS version of InsightApplications
with the 1.2 version of Insight. This will result in a lot
of conflicts since the CVS versions of Insight and
InsightApplications have change a lot since the release 1.2.

Please use

    InsightApplications 1.2 with Insight 1.2


    InsightApplications CVS with Insight CVS




salah wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to run the region growing segmentation application
> from InsightApplications.
> It has reported these error.
> Please, what is the problem? Has something been modified?
> Thanks,
> Zein
> --------------------Configuration: RegionGrowingSegmentation2D - Win32 Debug--------------------
> Building Custom Rule D:\InsightApplications\RegionGrowingSegmentation\RegionGrowingSegmentation2DGUI.fl
> Compiling...
> RegionGrowingSegmentation2DGUI.cxx
> D:\InsightApplications-Bin\RegionGrowingSegmentation\RegionGrowingSegmentation2DGUI.cxx(189) : error C2039: 'SetNumberOfIterations' : is not a member of 'GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter<class itk::Image<float,2>,class itk::Image<float,2> >'
> D:\InsightApplications-Bin\RegionGrowingSegmentation\RegionGrowingSegmentation2DGUI.cxx(224) : error C2039: 'SetNumberOfIterations' : is not a member of 'CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter<class itk::Image<float,2>,class itk::Image<float,2> >'
> RegionGrowingSegmentation2D.cxx
> D:\InsightApplications\RegionGrowingSegmentation\RegionGrowingSegmentation2D.cxx(106) : error C2039: 'SetNumberOfIterations' : is not a member of 'CurvatureAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter<class itk::Image<float,2>,class itk::Image<float,2> >'
> D:\InsightApplications\RegionGrowingSegmentation\RegionGrowingSegmentation2D.cxx(115) : error C2039: 'SetNumberOfIterations' : is not a member of 'GradientAnisotropicDiffusionImageFilter<class itk::Image<float,2>,class itk::Image<float,2> >'
> RegionGrowingSegmentationBase2D.cxx
> Generating Code...
> Error executing cl.exe.
> RegionGrowingSegmentation2D.exe - 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)
> ->8<------------->8<------------->8<------------->8<------------->8<------------->8<-
> Zein I. Salah 
> University of Tübingen, WSI-GRIS, Sand 14, 72076 Tübingen 
> Email: salah at gris . uni-tuebingen . de
> Tel.: (07071) 29 75465 (GRIS),           Fax: (07071) 29 54 66
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