[Insight-users] ExtractImageFilter

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Wed, 28 May 2003 10:31:06 -0400

Hi Zein,

You are not calling "Update()" in the extract image filter.
The method "GenerateOutputInformation()" is called internally
as part of the update process.

Please call "Update()" instead of "GenerateOutputInformation()".


You may also want to try the RegionOfInterestImageFilter
instead of the ExtractImageFilter

http://www . itk . org/Insight/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1RegionOfInterestImageFilter . html

The ExtractImageFilter is maintaining the
original settings for the LargestPossibleRegion
of the image, which tends to confuse filters
down the pipeline.

Please look at the example


This is discussed in the SoftwareGuide

      http://www . itk . org/ItkSoftwareGuide . pdf

Section 6.4 "Extracting regions", pdf-page 164.



salah wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I have used the ExtractImageFilter as shown in the piece of
> code bellow.
> I expect the   "m_ExtractedImage"  to be a new image with
> the new dimensions (new size).  Actually, it is not. when 
> I view it, it is jsut the original input image!!!!
> Could anybody please tell me if my code is principally correct???
> Thanks,
> Zein
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> /////// my code 
>    typedef  itk::ExtractImageFilter<InputImageType, InputImageType >     ExtractImageFilterType;
>    typedef  InputImageType::IndexType IndexType;
>    typedef  InputImageType::SizeType  SizeType;
>    ExtractImageFilterType::Pointer  m_ExtractImageFilter = ExtractImageFilterType::New(); 
>    IndexType start;
>    SizeType  size;
>    start[0] = static_cast<IndexType::IndexValueType>( (int)xStart );
>    start[1] = static_cast<IndexType::IndexValueType>( (int)yStart );
>    start[2] = static_cast<IndexType::IndexValueType>( (int)zStart );
>    size[0] = static_cast<SizeType::SizeValueType>( (int)xEnd - start[0] +1);
>    size[1] = static_cast<SizeType::SizeValueType>( (int)yEnd - start[1] +1);
>    size[2] = static_cast<SizeType::SizeValueType>( (int)zEnd - start[2] +1);
>    InputImageType::RegionType region;
>    region.SetIndex( start );
>    region.SetSize( size );
>    m_ExtractImageFilter->SetExtractionRegion( region );
>    m_ExtractImageFilter->GenerateOutputInformation();
>    m_ExtractedImage = m_ExtractImageFilter->GetOutput();
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