[Insight-users] ITK & MFC

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Thu, 06 Nov 2003 14:57:45 -0500

Hi Thimmaiah,

You can integrate MFC and ITK in a single application.

In this scenario, you obtain the filename through MFC
using a file dialog, and then pass this filename to
an instantiation of the itk::ImageFileReader or if
you are looking for dicom series you can use the

Please look at the following message from the users-list
regarding the CMake configuration for using MFC and ITK

http://www . itk . org/pipermail/insight-users/2003-March/002751 . html

You can design you program in different way, it basically
depends on how much time do you have to write it, and
how many years you anticipate that you are going to have
to maintain it.

If you have enough time, the nice thing to do is to
write modules that package functional groups of ITK
filters.  For example, the task of reading dicom files
requires two or three ITK class working together.

The module could be a C++ class named "myDicomReader",
which internally instantiates the ITK classes needed.
The reader only requires to offer a SetDirectoryName()
for providing the directory where your dicom slices
are stored.  In this way you can encapsulate ITK filters
in modules that are reusable, easier to maintain and
easier to debug.



Thimmaiah, Sandhya wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an application which reads a filename,this is using MFC. I have a
> seperate workspace to read dicom images using ITK .How can i use the file
> name read from mfc as an input to ITK for reading dicom images.If you can
> give steps i would really appreciate. Do i have to include all the files
> that are needed for image reader when using mfc. How do i go about doing
> that.Thank you
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