[Insight-users] Question about FuzzyConnectedness

jiang jiang at TI . Uni-Trier . DE
Fri, 28 Nov 2003 17:35:34 +0100

Hi, All,
I integrate the example InsightApplications-1.4.0\FuzzyConnectedness in to
my application. I use one series of DICOM files as input image to
SimpleFuzzyConnectednessScalarImageFilter. When I want to write out the
segmented images as the PGMVolumeWriter, it always cracks. I debug it and
find that the application stops at PGMVolumeWriter.txx line 114
     if( !imgStream.is_open() )
Whatever I set which name for writer->SetDirectoryName(), it can not pass.
Then I try to use the example InsightApplications-1.4.0\MetaImageReadWrite,
I get two files. One is .mhd, the other has no suffix, just raw data.
I try to use VolView to render the files I wrote. The result is very
strange. It is not binary mask segmented image, but some  chaos image.
I don't what is the problem. Is the FuzzyConnectedness processing wrong or
write out image wrong? I'm sure the reader of series of DICOM files is
correct. I can render it correctly.

Please help me. Thank you very much!
