[Insight-users] ITK Installation problem -- Borland 5.5 compiler

Sungsoo Ahn ssahn at kisti . re . kr
Thu, 23 Oct 2003 15:15:35 +0900

Hi, all

Windowx XP
Bolrand C++ 5.5
ITK 1.4.0
CMake 1.8 - patch1

I'm new to ITK and confused how to compile ITK.
I downloaded the ITK 1.4.0 and unzipped to D:\InsightToolkit-1.4.0

I inserted as follows in CMake window program

Where is the source code: D:\InsightToolkit-1.4.0
Where to build the binaries: D:\InsightToolkit_Binary
Build for : Borland Makefiles

When I click the Configure button
the error message window appears.

The C compiler "bcc32" is not able to compile a simple test program.
It fails with the following output:

Fatal: Unable to open file 'C0X32.OBJ'
** error 1 ** deleting

I could find the C0X32.OBJ in Bcc55\Lib directory.
I tried bcc32 -LC:/Borland/Bcc55/Lib but the result was same.

Can somebody help me?

Sungsoo Ahn.