[Insight-users] MRIBiasCorrection

Wang, Liqin Wang . Liqin at mayo . edu
Mon, 27 Oct 2003 09:59:49 -0600

I tried to use the sample program of MRIBiascorrection to correct a 8 bit MRI image dataset with obvious bias field. I first run IntensityHistogram3D with bin size of 8, then chose two intensity values with highest frequencies. The class mean and sigma were calculated for these two intensities ( in the range of intensity values plus or minus half bin size, respectively). The binary output mask were generated with other program and input mask was generated by on the basis of  output mask and class mean values. After running the "Bias field Estimator"  and "ImageCorrector", it seems that a wrong bias field got computed. I believe the calculation of class mean and sigma plays the critical role in this correction. Could you let me know where did I do wrong? How can I get the class mean and sigma accurately in order to get the right results?

