[Insight-users] Building InsightApplication
Luis Ibanez
luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Fri, 05 Sep 2003 10:08:13 -0400
Hi Sandy,
You need to download the sources of VTK 4.2.
The only difference between the source distribution for
Unix and the source distribution for Windows is that
one has been prepared as a tar.gz, while the other is
compressed with zip.
The actual content of both distributions is the same.
You can choose the one you may find easier to
decompress with the tools available in your system.
Sandy April wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> Thank you very much for detailed steps.I have one last question (hope
> so...)VTK4.2 should I download the unix platform version.???
> */Luis Ibanez <luis . ibanez at kitware . com>/* wrote:
> Hi Sandy,
> Here are step by step instructions for building the Applications.
> I'm assuming you will build them all, so you will need FLTK and
> VTK as additional libraries.
> 0) Download CMake 1.6.7
> 1) Download VTK 4.2
> 2) Download FLTK 1.1.4
> 3) Decided what compiler you are going to use.
> and if you are on windows decide if you want
> a build for debug or release. You MUST build
> everything using the same compiler and the same
> compilation mode.
> You probably want to do it for release, since the
> performance of many ITK will increase considerably
> in this mode.
> 4) Take a deep breath
> 5) Configure VTK using CMake.
> Make sure to enable:
> 6) Build VTK in the compiler mode you choose
> (probably "Release").
> 7) Build FLTK using the same compiler
> and the same compil! ation mode. FLTK
> does not use CMake for configuration
> (we all hope that it will do one day and
> relief us from many headaches).
> 8) Configure ITK with CMake.
> Note that you could disable TESTING and
> EXAMPLES. In that way the build process
> will take only 15 minutes.
> 9) Build ITK using the same compiler
> and compilation mode that you used
> for FLTK and VTK.
> 10) Configure InsightApplications with CMake.
> For VTK_DIR provide the binary directory
> where you build VTK
> For FLTK you should provide the following
> variables
> Note that if you only provide
> CMake will figure out the others for you.
> FLTK_FLUID_EXECUTABLE must have to the
> full path to the fluid.exe executable that you will
> find in the /fluid subdirectory of your FLTK built.
> FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR must have the directory
> were you copied FLTK when you start to build it.
> NOTE that it SHOULD NOT include the directory
> /Fl where the headers are.
> This is because all FLTK code use #include
> 11) At this point, after clicking in the Configure
> button you should not get any new "red" undefined
> variables.
> 12) Click Ok in CMake, the VC++ project files will
> be generated in the binary directory that you selected
> during the configuration process.
> 13) I hope you are not supersticious....
> because here is where you take your compiler
> and open the project file. Make sure that you select
> the same compilation mode (Debug,... Release...).
> And start building ...
> 14) The process of building VTK and InsightApplications
> will give you time for coffee...
> Enjoy ITK !
> Luis
> -----------------------
> Sandy April wrote:
> > Hi Luis,
> &g! t; Can you tell me how to configure cmake for insight
> application. I want
> > to use fltk and vtk..how do I do that.what should I specify for
> > vtk_dir. Thank you
> >
> > */Luis Ibanez /* wrote:
> >
> > Hi Sandy,
> >
> > It is better to keep InsightApplications in a separate folder from
> > Insight.
> > CMake allow you to select any directory. Simply create a binary
> > directory
> > for building InsightApplications, and when you configure with CMake,
> > provide both the Source and Binary directories for
> > InsightApplications.
> >
> > You will be prompted for the ITK_DIR directory (where you built
> ITK),
> > and then you will have options for selecting FLTK and VTK.
> >
> > Please let us know if you find any problem,
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> > Luis.
> >
> >