[Insight-users] linking sequence of itk libraries

Feng Ma mafeng at hotmail . com
Fri, 12 Sep 2003 22:09:07 -0400


  I am working on to link ITK libraries to our existing code.  I understand 
ITKCommon library should appear first. Does sequences of other libraries 

  I put it like this:

  -lpthread -L/ITK/lib/InsightToolkit/ -lITKCommon -lITKDICOMParser 
-lITKEXPAT -lITKFEM -ITKMetaIO -litknetlib -lITKNumerics -litkpng 
-lITKStatistics -litksys -lITKVHDIO -lITKIO -lITKBasicFilters 
-lITKAlgorithms -litkvnl -litkvnl_algo -litkzlib -lpthread -L/ITKWrapper/lib 

  There is still a lot of undefined reference to itk objects.

  Thanks a lot for helping out.


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