[Insight-users] Configuring ITK 1.4

Ivan Macia imacia at vicomtech . es
Mon, 22 Sep 2003 14:02:00 +0200

Hi Bing,

	I had the same problems with the fltk math include. It seems like there is
some kind of conflict between math libraries. I solved it by removing the
file math.h from the FL dir and using the standard math includes. Anyway I
did it some time ago and don't remember exactly if I made any more changes.
Maybe it is not the best way but at least it worked for me and haven't had
any other problems compiling since then :)

Hope that helps

Ivan Macia

-----Mensaje original-----
De: insight-users-admin at itk . org [mailto:insight-users-admin at itk . org]En
nombre de Bing Jian
Enviado el: lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2003 3:41
Para: insight-users at itk . org
Asunto: Re: [Insight-users] Configuring ITK 1.4

Hi everyone,

    Luis, thank you very much. You are always there when people need
help. I really appreciate it.

I also checked out "InsightApplication". Yes, when I tried
to configure InsightApplication by CMake 1.8.1, I did
see "USE_ITK" and "USE_VTK". After I turned them on, I got
following warning message:

  "Your VTK was not build with the VTK_USE_ANSIC_STDLIB" option on.
Link errors may occur. Consider rebuilding VTK with this option on.
For MSVC6, you must turn on the VTK option, otherwise, ITK will not
link otherwise."

  I installed VTK4.2 by using the setup program for windows
(vtk42-latestrelease.exe). There is no chance for me to turn on
the VTK_USE_ANSIC_STDLIB. What does this mean?

  However, CMAKE successfully detected my VTK path. But it had trouble
in FLTK. It said FLTK was not found. And there are more than one
libraries for fltk such as (fltk, form, gl, image). I know in UNIX
there are several lib*.a files in fltk/lib. But in windows I only got
one FLTKDLLD.lib. So I referred all of them to this fltkdlld.lib. Is
it right?

  Finally, I got my InsightApplication installed on a different
directory. But I noticed that not all applications were copied from
source InsightApplication directory. (e.g. MetaImageViewer). What's
wrong with that?

  And I tried to build one application for testing. I chose the
ImageViewer. The visual studio workspace file was already there.
(Thank CMake for its amazing job). But it turned out that the fltk
path was not added into additional include/library directories.
Even after them were added by hand, I was getting the compiling error:

  D:\Library\fltk-1.1.4\FL\math.h(60) : error C2065: 'floor' :
undeclared identifier
: error C2668: 'sqrt' : ambiguous call to overloaded function
D:\Library\repository\itk\Insight\Utilities\vxl\vnl/vnl_math.h(207) :
error C2039: 'exp' : is not a member of '`global namespace''

  Seems there are some troubles when working with math library. Very
wierd errors for me. Because I can get some fltk programs working
so I am sure there is no problem in installing of fltk1.1.4. Anybody
has similar experience?

  Thank you very much for reading this long posting!

Best wishes,
Bing Jian
bjian at cise . ufl . edu

On Sun, 21 Sep 2003, Luis Ibanez wrote:

> Hi Bing,
> A lot of improvements have been made in ITK
> configuration process since version 1.4.
> Among them, the demo applications are now in
> a separate check out module, called
>               "InsightApplications"
> Now you simply configure ITK with three CMake
> variables:
> - Build testing
> - Build examples
> - Build shared
> ITK does not depend on FLTK nor VTK, only the
> demo applications do.  Removing the demo applications
> from the main ITK source tree helped to underline
> this distintion.
> With the current separation of Insight and
> InsightApplications you will now find the
> USE_FLTK and USE_VTK options when you configure
> "InsigntApplications", not when you configure "Insight".
> Please let us know if you find any other unfamiliar
> configuration feature.
> Thanks
>     Luis
> -----------------------
> Bing Jian wrote:
> > Hi, everyone,
> >
> >    I just checked out the latest version of ITK (is it 1.4.0) tonight.
> > and I am going to install it. The CMake 1.8.1 is already installed.
> > But after I started cmakesetup, specified source directory and clicked
> > configure, I cannot find the options "use_fltk" and "use_vtk".
> > even advanced values were enabled. Is it correct? I remembered that
> > when I installed itk 1.2.0 by using CMake 1.6, I did see them.
> >
> >    Thanks!
> >