[Insight-users] (no subject): Image Quality : Deblurring ?

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 23:59:53 -0400

Hi Rashmi,

"Image quality" is a very ambiguous term.

Could you please provide more details
about your problem ?

What is the modality of your image ?

You mention focus,... are you dealing with
microscopy images ? have you considered
deconvolution ?


With the very limited information that you
provided, the only thing that comes to mind
is to suggest you to use the adaptive constrast
enhancement filter.
http://www . itk . org/Insight/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationImageFilter . html

This has mostly been used in mamography for
improving the visibility of anatomical structures
as perceived by human observers.



Rashmi Ghai wrote:
> hi everyone
> I'm new to using ITK and my task is as follows
> Given an image , i have to improve its quality and
> majorly improve its focus.
> Please suggest what filters and in what order can/should be applied?
> Thanks
> -rashmi