[Insight-users] Problem in using AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationImageFilter

Luis Ibanez luis . ibanez at kitware . com
Mon, 29 Sep 2003 10:53:00 -0400

Hi Rashmi,

Here are three (independent) options:

1) You can declare your ImageFileReader to be templated
    over Image<float,N>.  Event though the content of the
    files is unsigned char, or unsigened short.  The reader
    will perform plain C-languaje casting from the type in
    the files to the type of the ImageFileReader.  Since
    you are promoting to a type with larger dynamic range,
    this operation will be safe.
    See section 7.3 in the SoftwareGuide, pdf-page 224
    http://www . itk . org/ItkSoftwareGuide . pdf


2) You can use the CastImageFilter and convert the image
    of unsigned char/short into an image of double.
    See section 6.2 "Casting and Intensity Mapping" in the
    SoftwareGuide. pdf-page 146
    http://www . itk . org/ItkSoftwareGuide . pdf


3) You could use ImageAdaptor for presenting the image
    of pixels unsigned char/short as an image of pixel
    type float.
    See chapter 12 of the SoftwareGuide, pdf-page 522.
    http://www . itk . org/ItkSoftwareGuide . pdf



rg32 at njit . edu wrote:
> Hi All,
> It seems the problem with the code that i posted is the following:
> I'm working with png images with the code.PNG images require unsigned char / 
> unsigned short to work with. The AdaptiveHistogramEqualizationImageFilter 
> however requires float data.
> Is there a resolution to this?
> -Rashmi
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