[Insight-users] [Fwd: Announcing PLoS Medicine]
Luis Ibanez
luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Thu, 15 Apr 2004 21:21:22 -0400
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Subject: Announcing PLoS Medicine
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Dear Colleague,
We are excited to announce that PLoS Medicine -- the premier open-access journal of medicine from the Public Library of Science -- is now accepting submissions.
The open access movement is gaining momentum. PLoS Biology, the first journal we launched, has been embraced by scientists the world over and won the acclaim of the international media, from the New York Times to Al-Jazeera, for the high-impact research it has published. More broadly, a number of prominent funding bodies -- including the Wellcome Trust in the UK, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in the US, German research organizations including the Max Planck Institute, CNRS and INSERM in France, and the Indian National Science Academy -- have actively encouraged the scientists they support to disseminate the results of their research as widely as possible by publishing in open-access journals.
The time has come for the best and most important research and thinking in medicine to be freely accessible to practicing physicians, medical scientists, health policy makers, educators, and patients. PLoS Medicine will publish important advances in all medical disciplines, including epidemiology and public health. The journal will promote medical research and practice that is scientifically valid, ethically sound and addresses global health needs. All research articles will be rigorously peer-reviewed and held to the highest standards of excellence and value to the reader. PLoS Medicine will be published monthly, beginning in Autumn 2004.
With your support, PLoS Medicine can change the course of medical publishing. We ask you to submit your best work to PLoS Medicine, tell your colleagues about this opportunity to share their discoveries with the world, and let us know what we can do to make the journal useful to you and your community.
Visit http://www.plosmedicine.org to find out more about PLoS Medicine:
- See a list of our expanding editorial board
- Sign up for PLoS Medicine updates and alerts
- Become an advocate for PLoS Medicine
- Download promotional materials to distribute and post around your institution
- Share your ideas for the journal
- Submit your manuscript at http://medicine.plosjms.org
Thank you,
Harold Varmus, Pat Brown, Michael Eisen
Co-Founders, Public Library of Science
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