[Insight-users] Photographic Negative ?

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Mon, 19 Apr 2004 14:46:16 -0400

Hi Robert,

Sorry, this filter was added to the toolkit after the
publication of the SoftwareGuide.

There is however, an example of its use under:


All the material on the "/Examples" directory will
be included in the next edition of the SoftwareGuide.



Atwood, Robert C wrote:

> Yes that does indeed do the trick... 
> (but I cannot find it in the ITK software guide( PDF, Aug 21 2003 )? )
> Thanks again,
> Robert
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luis Ibanez [mailto:luis.ibanez at kitware.com] 
> Sent: 16 April 2004 19:38
> To: Atwood, Robert C
> Cc: insight-users at itk.org
> Subject: Re: [Insight-users] Photographic Negative ?
> Hi Robert,
> The itkIntensityWindowingImageFilter will do the trick:
> http://www.itk.org/Insight/Doxygen/html/classitk_1_1IntensityWindowingIm
> ageFilter.html
> Just set up the OutputMinimum and OutputMaximum
> inverted, that is:
>    SetOutputMinimum( 255 );
>    SetOutputMaximum(   0 );
> Please let us know if you find any problem with it.
>    Thanks
>     Luis
> ----------------------
> Atwood, Robert C wrote:
>>I cannot figure out a simple filter that returns the negative of an 
>>image. The RescaleImageFilter does not allow a negative scale, and 
>>ScaleShift also seems to choke if the scale is -1
>>For example I have an image containing values (x) between 0 and 200, I
>>want to pass through an image in which each value is 200-x (output of 
>>distance map)
>>Outputting the dmap->GetOutput() data shows me the correct distance 
>>map, but output of rescaler->GetOutput() creates a file that is all 
>>zeros. RescaleImageFilter simply returns an error if the minimum is 
>>greater than the maximum. I am guessing that negative SetScale value 
>>is not intended to be used in the ShiftScaleImageFilter?
>>What is the correct filter to use for this purpose?
>>Here are the important definitions and statements used to get all 
>>typedef itk::Image<unsigned long, 3>   LabeledImageType;
>>typedef itk::ShiftScaleImageFilter<LabeledImageType,LabeledImageType>
>>RescaleType::Pointer rescaler = RescaleType::New();
>>Insight-users mailing list
>>Insight-users at itk.org 
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