[Insight-users] Managing conversion of pixel types during file read

Luis Ibanez luis.ibanez at kitware.com
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 21:33:34 -0400

Hi Soumen,

You will find datasets for testing registration
algorithms in the /Data link of ITK.org


Look for the BrainWeb images in the ftp site at

You will find images that have been intentionaly
rotated by 10 and 20 degress, plus a translation.

Your description about slice processing is quite
confusion. I would suggest you to simply forget
about slices and to think in 3D. You load a 3D
dataset and register it against another 3D dataset.

ITK was designed and implemented to support N-Dimensional



S Dey wrote:

> hi!!!
> I mailed u prevly with the images i use but it got discarded due to its
> large size. Now i have a request to u ...will u send me two dicom
> images(preferebly one CT and one PET of same object) for which registration
> result is known. Send me the registration result also so that i can check
> whether my program is going right or not.
> I have wriiten a program to register one CT image(512X512)with one PET Image
> (128X128). But the problem is I donno whether the transform parameters I am
> getting as output after registration are right or not.  I am using Mattes MI
> metric for registration.
> Anothe thing ....I am following the scheme stated below...
> Actually I have 116 CT images and 163 Pet images. I am taking fixed slice
> name from the user and finding the moving slice from the other directory.To
> do that I am using the relative position of fixed slice from the furthest
> slice in its series as guide. The moving slice which matches best with fixed
> slice in its relative position wrt furthest slice in its series gets
> seleceted for registration.
> eg.
> fixed slice 1188316 (CT iamge, Slice Location=544, furthest slice in
> series=654, relative posn=110)
> moving slice gets selected Image.110_0.dcm (PET image,slice
> location=-110.5,furthest slice in series=0, relative posn=110.5)
> Is this scheme reasonable? It works fine for my present data. But I want to
> know what are the drawbacks of this scheme.
> Ur Reply is eagerly awaited.
> Thnx.
> Soumen